cap log close * log using log using "Z:\Angrist Work\Vets_1990_Archive\Log Files\Angrist1990_Fig3.log", replace ************************************************* * PROGRAM: Angrist1990_Fig3 * PROGRAMMER: Simone Schaner ( * PURPOSE: Replicates Figure 3 from Angrist (1990) * DATE CREATED: 10/5/07 ************************************************* clear set mem 50m set more off set matsize 8000 cd "H:\Angrist Work\Web Papers\Angrist_1990\STATA Data" use cwhsc_new * UNCOMMENT TO USE OLD WEIGHTS * drop iweight * ren iweight_old iweight * LOOK AT DATA des * sum * keep if year>=81 g tctr=1 if type=="TAXAB" replace tctr=2 if type=="ADJ" replace tctr=3 if type=="TOTAL" * YEAR DUMMIES qui tab year, ge(yrdum) qui tab byr, ge(byrdum) g ps_r50= ps_r*(byr==50) g ps_r51= ps_r*(byr==51) g ps_r52= ps_r*(byr==52) g ps_r53= ps_r*(byr==53) * ONLY KEEP WHITES keep if race==1 * ONLY W2 EARNINGS keep if type=="TOTAL" * GET RESIDUALS * 1) EARNINGS xi: reg earnings i.year i.byr predict ernres, r * AVERAGE OVER 4 YEARS egen ernres2= mean(ernres), by(byr interval) * 2) PROBABILITIES xi: reg ps_r i.byr predict pres, r * preserve * ONLY NEED ONE YEAR OF THIS keep if year==81 sort pres twoway scatter ernres2 pres, msymbol(o) msize(medium) || lfit ernres2 pres, xtitle("Probability Residual") ytitle("Earnings Residual") legend(off) /// note("Figure 3. Earnings and the Probability of Veteran Status by Lottery Number", pos(7) size(Medium)) /// title("Notes: The figure plots mean W-2 compensation in 1981-4 against probabilities of veteran status by" /// "cohort and groups of five consecutive lottery numbers for white men born 1950-3. Plotted points consist" /// "of the average residuals (over four years of earnings) from regressions on period and cohort effects." /// " The slope of the least-squares regression line drawn through the points is -2,384, with a standard error " /// "of 778, and is an estimate of a in the equation yctj=Bc+Dt+Pcja+uctj.", pos(7) size(small)) /// ylabel(-3000(1000)3000) xlabel(-.08(.02).16) log close