cap log close log using "DIRECTORY HERE\Angrist1990_Table1.log", replace ************************************************************************* * PROGRAM: Angrist1990_Table1 * PROGRAMMER: Simone Schaner ( * PURPOSE: Replicates table 1 from Angrist (1990) * DATE CREATED: 7/23/07 * NOTE: Program as written produces corrected standard errors. * To reproduce standard errors in publlished version of paper, * comment out line 58 and uncomment line 59 ************************************************************************ clear set mem 50m set more off cd "DIRECTORY HERE" use cwhsa g type="TAXAB" append using cwhsb * LOOK AT DATA des * sum * * ONLY KEEP BIRTH COHORTS 1950-1953 keep if byr>=50 * ONLY KEEP YEARS ABOVE 1965 keep if year>65 * DRAFT ELIGIBLE g byte eligible=0 replace eligible=1 if (byr>=44 & byr<=50 & interval<=39) /*CUTOFF=195*/ replace eligible=1 if byr==51 & interval<=25 /*CUTOFF=125*/ replace eligible=1 if (byr==52 | byr==53) & interval<=19 /*CUTOFF=95*/ * RACE DUMMIES g byte white= race==1 g byte nonwhite= race==2 * DIFFERENT WEIGHTS AND MEANS FOR NONZEROS ONLY g earn_nz= vmn1/(1-vfin1) g wt_nz= vnu1*(1-vfin1) * TAG FICA OBS g byte fica= type=="TAXAB" egen collby= group(white byr year eligible fica) * SOME CALCULATIONS FOR STANDARD ERRORS g var= vsd1^2 * VARIANCE OF NONZERO CELLS g var_nz= (vnu1*(var+vmn1^2)-wt_nz*earn_nz^2)/wt_nz * g var_nz= var*(vnu1/wt_nz) !!!! USE THIS VERSION TO REPRODUCE SEs IN PUBLISHED TABLE 1 OF ANGRIST (1990) !!!!! * SUM WEIGHTS ACROSS GROUP CELLS egen sumwt=sum(wt_nz), by(collby) * WEIGHT FOR VARIANCE g wtmult= 1/(sumwt) /*WOULD USE THIS ONE W/ UNWEIGHTED COLLAPSE SUM STATEMENT -- wt_nz/(sumwt)^2*/ * VARIANCE TO SUM g var_cm= wtmult*var_nz collapse (mean) var_cm earn_nz white year byr eligible fica [w=wt_nz], by(collby) g fica2="f" if fica==1 replace fica2="w" if fica==0 drop collby egen id= concat(white year eligible fica) reshape wide var_cm earn_nz, i(id) j(byr) drop id egen id= concat(white year fica) reshape wide var_cm* earn_nz*, i(id) j(eligible) drop id drop fica egen id= concat(white year) reshape wide var_cm* earn_nz*, i(id) j(fica2) string * GET DIFFERENCES AND STANDARD ERRORS, PUT IN TABLE FORMAT foreach num in 50 51 52 53 { g c19`num'f= earn_nz`num'1f-earn_nz`num'0f g se19`num'f=(var_cm`num'1f+var_cm`num'0f)^.5 g c19`num'w= earn_nz`num'1w-earn_nz`num'0w g se19`num'w=(var_cm`num'1w+var_cm`num'0w)^.5 } keep year white c19* se19* expand 2 sort year mkmat year c19* se19* if white, matrix(whites1) mkmat year c19* se19* if white==0, matrix(nonwhites1) mat whites=J(rowsof(whites1),9,0) mat nonwhites=J(rowsof(nonwhites1),9,0) local top=rowsof(whites1) local top1=`top'-1 foreach mat in whites nonwhites { mat colnames `mat' = year 1950f 1951f 1952f 1953f 1950w 1951w 1952w 1953w } foreach mat in whites nonwhites { forval val=1(2)`top1' { mat `mat'[`val',1]=`mat'1[`val',"year"] mat `mat'[`val',2]=`mat'1[`val',"c1950f"] mat `mat'[`val',3]=`mat'1[`val',"c1951f"] mat `mat'[`val',4]=`mat'1[`val',"c1952f"] mat `mat'[`val',5]=`mat'1[`val',"c1953f"] mat `mat'[`val',6]=`mat'1[`val',"c1950w"] mat `mat'[`val',7]=`mat'1[`val',"c1951w"] mat `mat'[`val',8]=`mat'1[`val',"c1952w"] mat `mat'[`val',9]=`mat'1[`val',"c1953w"] } forval val=2(2)`top' { mat `mat'[`val',1]=. mat `mat'[`val',2]=`mat'1[`val',"se1950f"] mat `mat'[`val',3]=`mat'1[`val',"se1951f"] mat `mat'[`val',4]=`mat'1[`val',"se1952f"] mat `mat'[`val',5]=`mat'1[`val',"se1953f"] mat `mat'[`val',6]=`mat'1[`val',"se1950w"] mat `mat'[`val',7]=`mat'1[`val',"se1951w"] mat `mat'[`val',8]=`mat'1[`val',"se1952w"] mat `mat'[`val',9]=`mat'1[`val',"se1953w"] } } * DISPLAY TABLES -- THESE SHOW COEFFS WITH SEs BELOW IN SAME FORMAT AS TABLE 1 IN AER PAPER mat li whites mat li nonwhites log close