cap log close log using "DIRECTORY HERE\Angrist1990_Table3.log, replace ************************************************************************* * PROGRAM: * PROGRAMMER: Simone Schaner ( * PURPOSE: Replicates table 3 from Angrist (1990) * DATE CREATED: 7/26/07 * NOTE: To reproduce table results, uncomment lines 23 and 24. Results for * column 5 vary slightly from published values. ************************************************************************ clear set mem 50m set more off cd "DIRECTORY HERE" use cwhsc_new * UNCOMMENT TO USE UNADJUSTED WEIGHTS * drop iweight * ren iweight_old iweight * MERGE ON CPI INFO TO GO BACK TO REAL VALUES sort year merge year using cpi_angrist1990 drop _merge qui sum cpi if year==78 local cpi78=r(mean) replace cpi=cpi/`cpi78' replace cpi=round(cpi,.001) /*TO MATCH ORIGINAL DEFLATION*/ g cpi2= cpi^2 g smplsz= nj-nj0 /*NUMBER NONZEROS IN CELLS*/ keep if year>=81 * ONLY KEEP BIRTH COHORTS 1950-1952 keep if byr>=50 & byr<=52 * BACK OUT VARIANCE FROM IWEIGHTS g rlvar= (1/iweight)*smplsz g var= rlvar*cpi2 * MAKE REAL EARNINGS g nomearn= (earnings*cpi) * SAME PROCESS AS TABLE 1 TO OBTAIN POINT ESTIMATES OF DIFFERENCES * DRAFT ELIGIBLE g byte eligible=0 replace eligible=1 if byr==50 & interval==1 /*CUTOFF=195 -- recoded to 2 intervals here*/ replace eligible=1 if byr==51 & interval<=25 /*CUTOFF=125*/ replace eligible=1 if (byr==52 | byr==53) & interval<=19 /*CUTOFF=95*/ * RACE g byte white= race==1 * GROUPS TO COLLAPSE BY egen collby= group(white byr year eligible type) * SUM WEIGHTS ACROSS GROUP CELLS egen sumwt= sum(smplsz), by(collby) * WEIGHT FOR VARIANCE g wtmult= 1/(sumwt) /*WOULD USE THIS ONE W/ UNWEIGHTED COLLAPSE SUM STATEMENT -- wt_nz/(sumwt)^2*/ * VARIANCE TO SUM g var_cm= wtmult*var g numtype= 1 if type=="TAXAB" replace numtype=2 if type=="ADJ" replace numtype=3 if type=="TOTAL" collapse (mean) var_cm nomearn earnings cpi [w=smplsz], by(white byr year eligible numtype) egen id= concat(white year numtype byr) reshape wide var_cm* nomearn* earnings*, i(id) j(eligible) drop id g tag= "f" if numtype==1 replace tag= "a" if numtype==2 replace tag= "w" if numtype==3 drop numtype egen id= concat(white year byr) reshape wide var_cm* nomearn* earnings*, i(id) j(tag) string g cf= nomearn1f-nomearn0f g sef=(var_cm1f+var_cm0f)^.5 g cw= nomearn1w-nomearn0w g sew=(var_cm1w+var_cm0w)^.5 g ca= nomearn1a-nomearn0a g sea=(var_cm1a+var_cm0a)^.5 keep year byr white c* se* expand 2 sort byr year * IMPUTE SIPP PROBABILITIES --- SEE CODE FOR TABLE 2 TO RECREATE NUMBERS g sippp= .159 if byr==50 replace sippp= .136 if byr==51 replace sipp= .105 if byr==52 g sippse= .040 if byr==50 replace sippse= .043 if byr==51 replace sippse= .050 if byr==52 g serv_c= ca/(sippp*cpi) g serv_se= sea/(sippp*cpi) mkmat year c* se* sipp* serv* if white, matrix(whites1) mkmat year c* se* sipp* serv* if white==0, matrix(nonwhites1) mat whites=J(rowsof(whites1),7,.) mat nonwhites=J(rowsof(nonwhites1),7,.) local top=rowsof(whites1) local top1=`top'-1 foreach mat in whites nonwhites { mat colnames `mat' = "Cohort" "Year" "FICA" "Adj FICA" /// "W-2" "pe-pn" "Serv Eff" } foreach mat in whites nonwhites { forval val=1(2)`top1' { mat `mat'[`val',2]=`mat'1[`val',"year"] mat `mat'[`val',3]=`mat'1[`val',"cf"] mat `mat'[`val',4]=`mat'1[`val',"ca"] mat `mat'[`val',5]=`mat'1[`val',"cw"] mat `mat'[`val',7]=`mat'1[`val',"serv_c"] } forval val=2(2)`top' { mat `mat'[`val',3]=`mat'1[`val',"sef"] mat `mat'[`val',4]=`mat'1[`val',"sea"] mat `mat'[`val',5]=`mat'1[`val',"sew"] mat `mat'[`val',7]=`mat'1[`val',"serv_se"] } mat `mat'[1,1]=1950 mat `mat'[9,1]=1951 mat `mat'[17,1]=1952 mat `mat'[1,6]=.159 mat `mat'[2,6]=.040 mat `mat'[9,6]=.136 mat `mat'[10,6]=.043 mat `mat'[17,6]=.105 mat `mat'[18,6]=.050 } mat li whites mat li nonwhites log close