# delimit; clear; set more off; log using fig5, replace; use data00; drop populati; gen violent_a=violent_; drop violent_; keep if age <=23 & sex!=3; sort year dep_ocu age sex; save one, replace; use pop_sex; keep if year<=2000; sort year dep_ocu age sex; save pop, replace; use one; merge year dep_ocu age sex using pop; if population!=0 { replace death=0 if death==.; replace violent_a=0 if violent_a==.; replace disease=0 if disease==.; replace homicide=0 if homicide==.; replace accident=0 if accident==.; }; gen newage=(age-7)*5; ***keep only males aged 15-59, according to the SAS file - double check the age filter here!; keep if newage>=15 & newage<=55; keep if sex==1; replace newage=15 if newage==20; replace newage=25 if newage==30; replace newage=35 if newage==40; replace newage=45 if newage==50; replace newage=55 if newage==60; ****************************************** ***generate growing department definitions; gen grow94=1 if dep_ocu==13 | dep_ocu==18 | dep_ocu==19 | dep_ocu==50 | dep_ocu==52 | dep_ocu==86 | dep_ocu==95 | dep_ocu==97 | dep_ocu==99; replace grow94=0 if grow94==.; gen plante94=1 if grow94==1 | dep_ocu==20 | dep_ocu==54 | dep_ocu==94; replace plante94=0 if plante94==.; gen plante94p=1 if plante94==1 | dep_ocu==44 | dep_ocu==47; replace plante94p=0 if plante94p==.; *** (*) uncomment line below for 14 dept. def. of growing rather than 9; replace grow94=plante94p; gen DMZ=1 if dep_ocu==50 | dep_ocu==18; replace DMZ=0 if DMZ==.; gen prov_type="Non-growing" if grow94==0; replace prov_type="Growing" if grow94==1; replace prov_type="DMZ" if grow94==1 & DMZ==1; drop _merge; ***drop bogota DC, Medellin, Cali; drop if dep_ocu==5 | dep_ocu==11 | dep_ocu==76; save temp, replace; **************************************************; ******************************************************** ****collapsing to sum across groups and categories******; use temp; collapse (sum) death violent_a accident disease homicide population, by(year prov_type); sort year prov_type; save temp1, replace; ******because the variable violent has missing values for some year/department/age combinations, to be consistent with ******the way SAS handles missing values in a sum, I collapse 'violent' separately and merge it back in; ******I suspect 'violent' may still not be handled the way it is in the sas file, but it appears irrelevant to the ******subsequent analysis, so I'm leaving it as is; use temp; collapse (sum) violent if violent!=., by(year prov_type); sort year prov_type; save temp2, replace; use temp1; sort year prov_type; merge year prov_type using temp2; ********************************************************; ********************************************************; gen DMZ=1 if prov_type=="DMZ"; replace DMZ=0 if DMZ==.; gen arate=100000*(accident/population); gen vrate=100000*(violent_a/population); gen drate=100000*(disease/population); gen hrate=100000*(homicide/population); gen lnvrate=log(violent_a/population) if violent_a>0; gen lnvratio=log(violent_a/(death-violent_a)) if violent_a>0 & violent_a0; gen post=1 if year>=1995; replace post=0 if year<1995; gen negyear=-year if year>=1993; replace negyear=0 if year<1993; gen d1990=1 if year==1990; replace d1990=0 if year!=1990; label variable lnvratio "logit violent death rate"; label variable vrate "violent death rate"; label variable drate "disease death rate"; label variable DMZ "Meta or Cauqeta"; ***"remove base period levels" - i.e. demean lnvrate and lndrate by prov_type; sort prov_type; by prov_type: egen mean_lnvratio=mean(lnvratio); replace lnvratio=lnvratio-mean_lnvratio; **************************************************; ***** data summary *****; **************************************************; sort prov_type; by prov_type: summarize; **************************************************; ***** Figure 5 *****; **************************************************; twoway (scatter lnvratio year if prov_type=="DMZ", msymbol(i) sort c(l) clc(black) clw(medium)) (scatter lnvratio year if prov_type=="Growing", msymbol(o) mcolor(black) sort c(l) clc(black) clw(medium)) (scatter lnvratio year if prov_type=="Non-growing", msymbol(i) sort c(l) clp("-") clc(black) clw(medium)), yline(0 .1 -.1, lpattern(dot) lc(black)) ytitle("Death rates", si(small)) ylabel(-.4(.1).5, labs(small) nogrid) xlabel(1990(1)2000, labs(small)) xtitle("Year", si(small)) legend(row(1) label(1 "DMZ") label(2 "Growing") label(3 "Non-growing") subtitle("Province Type", si(small)) si(small)) title("Fig.5. Death Rates - Logit(Violence/Total) -- for Men Aged 15 - 59", si(small)) note("1. Logits, relative to average by province type" "2. Non-growing omits Antioquia, Valle, and Bogota DC.") name(fig5, replace) saving(fig5, asis replace) ; erase temp.dta; erase temp1.dta; erase temp2.dta; erase one.dta; erase pop.dta; log close;