/* t6new.sas '/home/chansen/work/migration' CBH 8/8/02 */ /* Models include country fixed effects */ /* Uses distance from Pristina to nearest big city */ options linesize=78 compress=yes; libname mydata 'DIRECTORY HERE'; proc sort data=mydata.bar_ent; by country; run; proc sort data=mydata.pristina out=temp; by country; data bar_ent; merge mydata.bar_ent temp; by country; data temp1; set mydata.rsa8399n; run; proc sort data=temp1; by country; run; data new8399; merge temp1 bar_ent; by country; nowarpr1=nowar*Sardis1/1000; nbospr1=nwbosnia*Sardis1/1000; nkospr1=nwkosovo*prdis1/1000; %macro years; lneu_lf1 d84 d85 d86 d87 d88 d89 d90 d91 d92 d93 d94 d95 d96 d97 d98 d99 %mend; %macro country; be dk de91 de_91 gr es fr ie it lu nl at pt fi se uk no is ch %mend; %macro ctrends; trendbe trendk trende91 trend_91 trendgr trendes trendfr trendie trendit trendlu trendnl trendat trendpt trendfi trendse trenduk trendno trendis trendch %mend; %macro inst1; nbospr1 nowarpr1 nkospr1 %mend; emp_prot=emp_prot-13; lab_stan=(lab_stan-5)/1.9518; rep_rate=(rep_rate-63)/17.70741; ep=(bar_ent-1.715)/.604373; NEU_ep=lnf_lf1*ep; NEU_ls=lnf_lf1*lab_stan; NEU_rr=lnf_lf1*rep_rate; nbos_ep=nbospr1*ep; nowar_ep=nowarpr1*ep; nkos_ep=nkospr1*ep; nbos_ls=nbospr1*lab_stan; nowar_ls=nowarpr1*lab_stan; nkos_ls=nkospr1*lab_stan; nbos_rr=nbospr1*rep_rate; nowar_rr=nowarpr1*rep_rate; nkos_rr=nkospr1*rep_rate; %macro instls; %inst1 nbos_ls nowar_ls nkos_ls %mend; %macro instrr; %inst1 nbos_rr nowar_rr nkos_rr %mend; %macro instlsrr; %inst1 nbos_ls nowar_ls nkos_ls nbos_rr nowar_rr nkos_rr %mend; %macro inst1b; nbosds12 noward12 nkosds12 nbos_ep nowar_ep nkos_ep %mend; %macro inst2b; %inst1b nbos_ls nowar_ls nkos_ls %mend; %macro inst3b; %inst2b nbos_rr nowar_rr nkos_rr %mend; run; proc datasets; delete temp1 bar_ent; run; **************************************************; * Labor Standards *; **************************************************; ******************Men**************************; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, LS'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls %years %country dold; run; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, LS'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls %years %country ; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, LS'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls %years %country ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, IV'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ls; instruments %years %country dold %instls; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls %country %years dold ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, IV'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ls; instruments %years %country %instls ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls %country %years ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, IV'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ls; instruments %years %country %instls ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls %country %years ; ************************************************; * Replacement Rate *; ************************************************; ******************Men**************************; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, LS'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_rr %years %country dold; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, LS'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_rr %years %country ; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, LS'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_rr %years %country ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, IV'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_rr; instruments %years %country dold %instrr ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_rr %country %years dold ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, IV'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_rr; instruments %years %country %instrr ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_rr %country %years ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, IV'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_rr; instruments %years %country %instrr ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_rr %country %years ; ***********************************************; * Barriers to Entrepreneurship *; ***********************************************; ******************Men**************************; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, BE'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep %years %country dold; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, BE'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep %years %country ; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, BE'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep %years %country ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, BE (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ep; instruments %years %country dold %inst1b; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep %country %years dold ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, BE (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ep; instruments %years %country %inst1b ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep %country %years ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, BE (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ep; instruments %years %country %inst1b ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep %country %years ; ***********************************************; * Rep. Rate and Lab. Standards *; ***********************************************; ******************Men**************************; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, LS,RR'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr %years %country dold; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, LS,RR'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr %years %country ; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, LS,RR'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr %years %country ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, LS,RR (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr; instruments %years %country dold %instlsrr; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr %country %years dold ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, LS,RR (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr; instruments %years %country %instlsrr ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr %country %years ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, LS,RR (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr; instruments %years %country %instlsrr ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ls NEU_rr %country %years ; ***********************************************; * Barriers, Lab. Stan., Rep. Rate *; ***********************************************; ******************Men**************************; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, BE,LS,RR'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr %years %country dold; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, BE,LS,RR'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr %years %country ; proc syslin ols data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, BE,LS,RR'; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr %years %country ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1; title '1983-99, all men with country effects, BE,LS,RR (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr; instruments %years %country dold %inst3b; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr %country %years dold ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=0; title '1983-99, young men with country effects, BE,LS,RR (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr; instruments %years %country %inst3b ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr %country %years ; proc syslin 2sls data=new8399; where is=0 & dman=1 & dold=1; title '1983-99, old men with country effects, BE,LS,RR (IV)'; endogenous lne_p lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr; instruments %years %country %inst3b ; model lne_p = lnf_lf1 NEU_ep NEU_ls NEU_rr %country %years ; run;