# delimit; clear; set more off; log using table9_14growing.log, replace; use data_urban_alt; keep if age <=23 & sex!=3; keep if year<=2000; sort year dep_ocu age sex urban; save one, replace; use pop_sex; keep if year<=2000 & year>=1992; sort year dep_ocu age sex; save pop, replace; use one; merge year dep_ocu age sex using pop; if population!=0 { replace death=0 if death==.; replace violent_a=0 if violent_a==.; replace disease=0 if disease==.; replace homicide=0 if homicide==.; replace accident=0 if accident==.; }; gen newage=(age-7)*5; ***keep only males aged 15-59, according to the SAS file - double check the age filter here!; keep if newage>=15 & newage<=60; keep if sex==1; replace newage=15 if newage==20; replace newage=25 if newage==30; replace newage=35 if newage==40; replace newage=45 if newage==50; replace newage=55 if newage==60; ****************************************** ***generate growing department definitions ***NOTE: uncomment line at end if you want a 14 dept. definition of growing rather than a 9 dept.; gen grow94=1 if dep_ocu==13 | dep_ocu==18 | dep_ocu==19 | dep_ocu==50 | dep_ocu==52 | dep_ocu==86 | dep_ocu==95 | dep_ocu==97 | dep_ocu==99; replace grow94=0 if grow94==.; gen plante94=1 if grow94==1 | dep_ocu==20 | dep_ocu==54 | dep_ocu==94; replace plante94=0 if plante94==.; gen plante94p=1 if plante94==1 | dep_ocu==44 | dep_ocu==47; replace plante94p=0 if plante94p==.; *** (*) UNCOMMENT LINE BELOW FOR 14 DEPT. DEFINITION OF GROWING RATHER THAN 9; replace grow94=plante94p; gen DMZ=1 if dep_ocu==50 | dep_ocu==18; replace DMZ=0 if DMZ==.; gen prov_type="Non-growing" if grow94==0; replace prov_type="Growing" if grow94==1; replace prov_type="DMZ" if grow94==1 & DMZ==1; drop _merge; save temp, replace; ***the following creates dept_cat, a set linking dept. numbers with growing and DMZ status, and prov_type; keep dep_ocu DMZ grow94; collapse grow94 DMZ, by(dep_ocu); gen prov_type="Non-growing" if grow94==0; replace prov_type="Growing" if grow94==1; replace prov_type="DMZ" if grow==1 & DMZ==1; sort dep_ocu; save dept_cat, replace; **************************************************; ******************************************************** ****collapsing to sum across groups and categories******; use temp; collapse (sum) death violent_a accident disease homicide population, by(urban year dep_ocu newage); sort dep_ocu ; save temp1, replace; use temp; collapse (sum) violent if violent!=., by(year dep_ocu newage); sort year dep_ocu newage ; save temp2, replace; use temp1; merge dep_ocu using dept_cat; drop _merge; sort year dep_ocu newage ; merge year dep_ocu newage using temp2; drop _merge; ********************************************************; ********************************************************; gen arate=100000*(accident/population); gen vrate=100000*(violent_a/population); gen drate=100000*(disease/population); gen hrate=100000*(homicide/population); gen lnvrate=log(violent_a/population) if violent_a>0; gen lnvratio=log(violent_a/(death-violent_a)) if violent_a>0 & violent_a0; gen post=1 if year>=1995; replace post=0 if year<1995; *** POOLED YEAR DUMMIES ***; gen d94=1 if year==1994; replace d94=0 if d94==.; gen d9597=1 if year<=1997 & year>=1995; replace d9597=0 if d9597==.; gen d9800=1 if year<=2000 & year>=1998; replace d9800=0 if d9800==.; *** END POOLED YEAR DUMMIES ***; gen negyear94=-year if year>=1994; replace negyear94=0 if year<1994; gen negyear93=-year if year>=1993; replace negyear93=0 if year<1993; gen growing=1 if prov_type=="Growing"; replace growing=0 if growing==.; gen trend=year-1989; gen bigcity=1 if dep_ocu==5 | dep_ocu==11 | dep_ocu==76; replace bigcity=0 if bigcity==.; keep if bigcity==0; gen clusterid=dep_ocu; label variable lnvratio "logit violent death rate"; label variable vrate "violent death rate"; label variable drate "disease death rate"; label variable DMZ "Meta or Cauqeta"; ************************************************** **** Generate all the dummy variables ****; ***interaction variables***; gen growing_negyear93=growing*negyear93; gen DMZ_negyear93=DMZ*negyear93; gen growing_negyear94=growing*negyear94; gen DMZ_negyear94=DMZ*negyear94; *** POOLED INTERACTIONS ***; gen growing_94=growing*d94; gen DMZ_94=DMZ*d94; gen growing_9597=growing*d9597; gen DMZ_9597=DMZ*d9597; gen growing_9800=growing*d9800; gen DMZ_9800=DMZ*d9800; *** END OF POOLED INTERACTIONS ***; ***year, department, age dummies***; separate year, by(year); separate dep_ocu, by(dep_ocu); separate newage, by(newage); drop year2000 newage55 dep_ocu99; recode year1992-newage45 (nonmiss=1) (missing=0); ***transform interaction variables into a set of dummies***; local i=1993; while `i'<=2000 {; gen growing_negyear93_`i'=1 if growing_negyear93==-`i'; replace growing_negyear93_`i'=0 if growing_negyear93_`i'==.; gen DMZ_negyear93_`i'=1 if DMZ_negyear93==-`i'; replace DMZ_negyear93_`i'=0 if DMZ_negyear93_`i'==.; local i=`i'+1; }; local j=1994; while `j'<=2000 {; gen growing_negyear94_`j'=1 if growing_negyear94==-`j'; replace growing_negyear94_`j'=0 if growing_negyear94_`j'==.; gen DMZ_negyear94_`j'=1 if DMZ_negyear94==-`j'; replace DMZ_negyear94_`j'=0 if DMZ_negyear94_`j'==.; local j=`j'+1; }; ***generate trend terms***; gen growing_trend=trend if prov_type=="Growing"; gen non_growing_trend=trend if prov_type=="Non-growing"; gen DMZ_trend=trend if prov_type=="DMZ"; recode growing_trend-DMZ_trend (missing=0); keep if urban!=.; ***Note that the st. errors for the regressions are slightly different than those reported in the paper, ***since SAS and Stata must calculate st. errors differently when clustering; ***Note: paper reports unweighted results in Table 4, but weighted results are provided below as well; gen d1993_growing=year1993*growing; gen d1994_growing=year1994*growing; gen d1993_DMZ=year1993*DMZ; gen d1994_DMZ=year1994*DMZ; *** NEW INTERACTIONS ***; gen growing_DMZ=0; replace growing_DMZ=1 if growing==1 | DMZ==1; gen growing_DMZ_94=growing_DMZ*d94; gen growing_DMZ_9597=growing_DMZ*d9597; gen growing_DMZ_9800=growing_DMZ*d9800; gen ageless35=0; replace ageless35=1 if newage<35; gen agemore35=0; replace agemore35=1 if newage>=35; gen growing_DMZ_94_ageless35=growing_DMZ_94*ageless35; gen growing_DMZ_94_agemore35=growing_DMZ_94*agemore35; gen growing_DMZ_9597_ageless35=growing_DMZ_9597*ageless35; gen growing_DMZ_9597_agemore35=growing_DMZ_9597*agemore35; gen growing_DMZ_9800_ageless35=growing_DMZ_9800*ageless35; gen growing_DMZ_9800_agemore35=growing_DMZ_9800*agemore35; gen growing_DMZ_trend=0; replace growing_DMZ_trend=trend if growing==1 | DMZ==1; ************************; **************************************************; ***** data summary *****; **************************************************; sort urban; by urban: summarize; **************************************************; *****empirical model - no trends *****; **************************************************; ***urban***; reg lnvrate dep_ocu8-dep_ocu97 year1992-year1999 newage15-newage45 growing_DMZ_94_ageless35 growing_DMZ_94_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9597_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9597_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9800_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9800_agemore35 if urban==1, cluster(clusterid); ***rural***; reg lnvrate dep_ocu8-dep_ocu97 year1992-year1999 newage15-newage45 growing_DMZ_94_ageless35 growing_DMZ_94_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9597_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9597_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9800_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9800_agemore35 if urban==0, cluster(clusterid); **************************************************; *****empirical model - w/trends *****; **************************************************; ***urban***; reg lnvrate dep_ocu8-dep_ocu97 year1992-year1999 newage15-newage45 growing_DMZ_94_ageless35 growing_DMZ_94_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9597_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9597_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9800_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9800_agemore35 growing_DMZ_trend if urban==1, cluster(clusterid); ***rural***; reg lnvrate dep_ocu8-dep_ocu97 year1992-year1999 newage15-newage45 growing_DMZ_94_ageless35 growing_DMZ_94_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9597_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9597_agemore35 growing_DMZ_9800_ageless35 growing_DMZ_9800_agemore35 growing_DMZ_trend if urban==0, cluster(clusterid); erase one.dta; erase pop.dta; erase temp.dta; erase temp1.dta; erase temp2.dta; erase dept_cat.dta; log close;