Publications & Papers

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Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

The Development Effects of the Extractive Colonial Economy: The Dutch Cultivation System in Java

The Review of Economic Studies, 87(1), 164-203
Melissa Dell, Benjamin A. Olken
January 2020
Behavioral Economics, Development Economics, Health Economics

Realizing the Potential of Digital Development: The Case of Agriculture

Science, 366(6471)
Raissa Fabregas, Michael Kremer, Frank Schilbach
December 2019
Economic Theory

Refinements and Higher Order Beliefs: A Unified Survey

Japanese Economic Review 71, 7-34
Atsushi Kajii and Stephen Morris
December 2019
The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda
Labor Economics

Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Work

Published in The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda
Daron Acemoglu, Pascual Restrepo
December 2019


Online Appendix
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Maimonides' Rule Redux

American Economic Review: Insights, 1(3), 309-24
Joshua D. Angrist, Victor Lavy, Jetson Leder-Luis, Adi Shany
December 2019
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Designing Anti-Poverty Programs in the 21st Century: Evidence from Indonesia for the World

Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 55(3), 319-339
Benjamin A. Olken
December 2019
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Alan Krueger Mattered

Business Economics, 55, 7-9
Jonathan Gruber
December 2019
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Evaluating Measures of Hospital Quality: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns

Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(5), 841-852
Joseph Doyle, John Graves, Jonathn Gruber
December 2019
" "

Choosing Among Regularized Estimators in Empirical Economics: The Risk of Machine Learning

Review of Economics and Statistics,101(5), 743-762.
Alberto Abadie with M. Kasy
December 2019
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Health Economists in the Real World

American Journal of Health Economics, 5(1), 1-7
Jonathan Gruber
December 2019
Health Economics, Public Economics

The Value of Medicaid: Interpreting Results from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment

Amy Finkelstein, Nathaniel Hendren and Erzo F.P. Luttmer
November 2019

On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity

Journal of Political Economy, 129(8), 2320-2343
Sören Blomquist, Whitney Newey, Anil Kumar, Che-Yuan Liang
November 2019
Health Economics, Econometrics, Industrial Organization

Market Failure in Kidney Exchange

American Economic Review
Nikhil Agarwal, Itai Ashlagi, Eduardo Azevedo, Clayton R. Featherstone, Ömer Karaduman
November 2019
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Labor Economics

The Wrong Kind of AI? Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Labor Demand

Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Daron Acemoglu, Pascual Restrepo
November 2019
Industrial Organization

Concerns About Competition

In Maintaining the Strength of American Capitalism, Aspen Economic Strategy Group
Nancy L. Rose
November 2019


Slides BibTex

The Aggregate Implications of Regional Business Cycles

Martin Beraja, Erik Hurst, Juan Ospina

We show how to draw inferences from regional evidence about aggregate fluctuations with the aid of a DSGE model of business cycles.

November 2019
Development Economics

The economic and political consequences of India’s demonetisation

Abhijit Banerjee, Namrata Kala
October 2019
Development Economics

The influence of randomized controlled trials on development economics research and development policy

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer
September 2019