Department Leadership

Department Head

Associate Department Head

Director, Administration and Finance
Gary King
Undergraduate Administrator
Department of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building E52-300
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Department of Economics
The Morris and Sophie Chang Building
50 Memorial Drive, Building E52-300
Cambridge, MA 02142
MIT Economics is located in the Morris and Sophie Chang Building (building E52), on the eastern end of the MIT campus. The Department of Economics is located on the third, fourth and fifth floors, with department headquarters on the third floor.
It is difficult to find on-street parking near the Morris and Sophie Chang Building, but there are a limited number of spaces on Memorial Drive, as well as a few paid lots in Kendall Square.
To get to the Department by public transportation, take the MBTA Red Line to the Kendall Square stop. Once above ground, you'll be on Main Street. Head east and take a right at the intersection of Main Street and Wadsworth Street. Our building is on the left, at the corner of Wadsworth Street and Memorial Drive.