We need a detailed description of any non-MIT course you want to get credit for. This includes a detailed syllabus, textbook information, and expected workload.

Transfer Credits
We do not give transfer credit for high school courses.
We do not give credit for MIT courses 14.01 and 14.02 for introductory economics courses taken elsewhere. HASS elective credit will be given instead, with the amount of credit depending on the quality of the class and the grade. Credit for MIT courses 14.01 and 14.02 may be given for intermediate-level micro and macroeconomics courses taken elsewhere.
You must map out the course you took to an MIT course you believe is equivalent. We will reach out to the professor that teaches the equivalent course at MIT and they will determine whether the substitution is allowed. If they do not approve the substitution, you may receive HASS Elective credit. Your grade in the course must be B or higher to receive credit.
If you are planning to study abroad, you need to have your courses pre-approved by Professor Caballero. We will not grant credit for courses that were not pre-approved.
In general, summer courses at other institutions and Harvard Extension School courses are not admissible for MIT credit.
We do not offer waiver exams for undergraduate courses.
If your course has been approved as a substitute, you can use the credit for your concentration or minor. Concentrators must take 14.01 and 14.02 at MIT. Minors and concentrators can only receive credit for one non-MIT subject with the exception of students who have studied abroad.
The department's transfer credit advisor for academic year 2024-2025 is Professor Ricardo Caballero. Please contact his assistant, Maimoonah Shafqat, with your transfer credit questions or requests.
When you are requesting transfer credit for a particular course, please send a detailed syllabus.
Once you have received initial approval, please complete this form to make a formal request for transfer credit.
Send your completed form to Maimoonah Shafqat. Please follow these steps before sending the email. We will not respond to incomplete requests.
In your initial request and on your form, please indicate:
- If you are a transfer student and if so, how long you were at your previous institution
- What type of credit you hope to get (also if you have a specific course in mind)
- Your major and expected graduation year