Publications & Papers

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Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

The Great Equalizer: Health Care Access and Infant Mortality in Thailand

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(1), 91-107.
Jonathan Gruber, Nathan Hendren, Robert M. Townsend
January 2014
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

A Theory of Rule Development

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 30(4), 649-682
Glenn Ellison, Richard Holden
January 2014
" "
Labor Economics, Macroeconomics

Equalizing Superstars: The Internet and the Democratization of Education

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 104(5), pp. 523–527
Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, John A. List
January 2014
American Economic Review

Weak Identification in Maximum Likelihood: A Question of Information

American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. 2014;104 (5) :195-199.
Isaiah Andrews, Anna Mikusheva
January 2014
Public Economics, Financial Economics

Retirement Security in an Aging Population

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, (104) 2014, 1-30
James Poterna
January 2014
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

The Impact of Patient Cost-Sharing on the Poor: Evidence from Massachusetts

Journal of Health Economics, 33, 57-66
Amitabh Chandra, Jonathan Gruber, Robin McKnight
January 2014
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Institutions, Human Capital and Development

Annual Reviews of Economics, 6, pp. 875–912
Daron Acemoglu, Francisco A. Gallego, James A. Robinson
January 2014
In 100 Years: Leading Economists Predict the Future
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

The World Our Grandchildren Will Inherit: The Rights Revolution and Beyond

Published in: "In 100 Years: Leading Economists Predict the Future"
Daron Acemoglu
January 2014
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Growth and Variability In Health Plan Premiums in the Individual Insurance Market Before the Affordable Care Act

Commonwealth Fund Report
Jonathan Gruber
January 2014
Labor Economics, Macroeconomics

Return of the Solow Paradox: IT, Productivity, and Employment in US Manufacturing

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 104(5), pp. 394–399.
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Brendan Price
January 2014
" "
Economic Theory

Dynamics of Information Exchange in Endogenous Social Networks

Theoretical Economics, Theoretical Economics, 9(1), 2014, pp. 41-97
Daron Acemoglu, Kostas Bimpikis, Asuman Ozdaglar
January 2014

Fire Sales in a Model of Complexity

The Journal of Finance 68.6: 2549-2587
Ricardo Caballero, Alp Simsek
December 2013

Survey on Statistical Inferences in Weakly-Identified Instrumental Variable Models

Applied Econometrics, 29(1), pp. 116-131
Anna Mikusheva
December 2013
Health Economics, Public Economics

The RAND Health Insurance Experiment, Three Decades Later

Aviva Aron-Dine, Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein
November 2013
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States

American Economic Review, 103(6), 2121–2168
David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson
October 2013
Development Economics

Under the Thumb of History? Political Institutions and the Scope for Action

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
October 2013

Accounting for the Poor

American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95(5): 1196-1208
Robert M. Townsend
October 2013