Publications & Papers

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Cooperation over Finite Horizons: A Theory and Experiments

Journal of Public Economics, 95(1-2), 500-512
Attila Ambrus and Parag A. Pathak
August 2011

Estimators for Persistent and Possibly Non-Stationary Data with Classical Properties

Econometric Theory, 28(5), pp. 1003-1036
Anna Mikusheva,Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Serena Ng
August 2011
" "
Macroeconomics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Political Economy of Ramsey Taxation

Journal of Public Economics, 95(7-8), pp. 467-475
Daron Acemoglu, Michael Golosov, Aleh Tsyvinski
August 2011
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Causal Effects of Monetary Shocks: Semiparametric Conditional Independence Tests with a Multinomial Propensity Score

The Review of Economics and Statistics
Joshua Angrist, Guido Kuersteiner
August 2011
Health Economics, Public Economics

The Effects of Medicaid Coverage - Learning from the Oregon Experiment

Katherine Baicker and Amy Finkelstein
July 2011
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

Is Peer Review in Decline?

Economic Inquiry, 49(3), 635-657
Glenn Ellison
July 2011

Whither Industrial Relations: Does It Have a Future in Post-Industrial Society

Prepared for Presentation at British Journal of Industrial Relations Annual Lecture 2010, London, United Kingdom, November 18, 2010, revised July, 2011
M. Piore
July 2011
" "

The Impact of Credit on Village Economies

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 4(2): 98-133
Robert M. Townsend
June 2011
Handbook of Labor Economics 4(B)
Labor Economics, Macroeconomics

Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings

Handbook of Labor Economics, 4(B), pp. 1043-1171
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor
June 2011
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

The Tax Exclusion for Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

National Tax Journal, 64, 511-530
Jonathan Gruber
June 2011
Public Economics, Financial Economics

Portfolio Substitution and the Revenue Cost of the Federal Income Tax Exemption for State and Local Government Bonds

National Tax Journal 64.2 (2011): 591-614
James Poterba, Arturo Ramirez Verdugo
June 2011
American Economic Review
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Choice Inconsistencies Among the Elderly: Evidence From Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D Program

American Economic Review, 101(4), 1180-1210
Jason Abaluck, Jonathan Gruber
June 2011
Public Economics, Financial Economics

Revenue Cost and Incentive Effects of Income Tax Provisions for Owner-Occupied Housing

National Tax Journal 64.2 (2011): 531-564
James Poterba, Todd Sinai
June 2011
Economic Theory

Bargaining with Optimism

Annual Reviews of Economics, 3, Article 3
Muhamet Yildiz
May 2011
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

Battle Scars? The Puzzling Decline in Employment and Rise in Disability Receipt Among Vietnam Era Veterans

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 101(2), 339–344.
David H. Autor, Mark G. Duggan, David S. Lyle
May 2011
" "
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Power Fluctuations and Political Economy

Journal of Economic Theory, 146(3), pp. 1009–1041
Daron Acemoglu, Michael Golosov, Aleh Tsyvinski
May 2011
Journal of Economic Theory
Economic Theory

Rationalizable Implementation

Journal of Economic Theory 146, 1253-1274
Dirk Bergemann, Stephen Morris and Olivier Tercieux
May 2011
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Long-term Consequences of Vietnam-Era Conscription: New Estimates Using Social Security Data

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings
Joshua D. Angrist, Stacey H. Chen, Jae Song
May 2011