Publications & Papers

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International Economics, Political Economy

Political Limits to Globalization

American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 100(2), pp. 83-88
Daron Acemoglu, Pierre Yared
May 2010
Industrial Organization

Vertical Integration 2010

Antitrust Bulletin, 55(3), pp. 545-586
Paul Joskow
April 2010
Macroeconomic Dynamics

Measuring the Impact of Financial Intermediation: Linking Contract Theory to Econometric Policy Evaluation

Macroeconomic Dynamics 13 (S2): 268-316
Robert M. Townsend, Sergio Urzua
April 2010
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

The Polarization of Job Opportunities in the U.S. Labor Market: Implications for Employment and Earnings

Center for American Progress and The Hamilton Project
David H. Autor
April 2010

On the Role of Financial Frictions and the Saving Rate during Trade Liberalizations

Journal of European Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 8(2–3): 442–455
Pol Antras, Ricardo Caballero
April 2010
Political Economy, Economic Theory

Dynamic Monopoly with Relational Incentives

Theoretical Economics, 5, 479-518
Alexander Wolitzky
April 2010
Health Economics, Public Economics

Beyond Testing: Empirical Models of Insurance Markets

Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein and Jonathan Levin
March 2010
Labor Economics, Econometrics

The Credibility Revolution in Empirical Economics: How Better Research Design is Taking the Con out of Econometrics

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(2), 3-30
Joshua D. Angrist, Jörn-Steffen Pischke
March 2010
Industrial Organization

Countervailing Power in Wholesale Pharmaceuticals

Journal of Industrial Economics, 58(1) 32-53
Sara Fisher Ellison, Christopher Snyder
March 2010

Rainfall Insurance in Semi-Arid India: Contract Design, Household Participation and Future Prospects

Chapter in: Weather Risk Management, K. Tang (ed.), London: Risk Books
Xavier Gine, Robert M. Townsend, and James Vickery
March 2010
American Economic Review
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Patient Cost-Sharing Hospitalization Offsets and the Design of Optimal Health Insurance for the Elderly

American Economic Review, 100(1), 193-213
Amitabh Chandra, Jonathan Gruber, Robin McKnight
March 2010

Unobserved Punishment Supports Cooperation

Journal of Public Economics, 94(1-2), 78-86
Drew Fudenberg and Parag A. Pathak
February 2010
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Wealth Accumulation and Factors Accounting for Success

Journal of Econometrics. 161(1): 56-81
Anan Pawasutipaisit, Robert M. Townsend
February 2010
Development Economics

Pitfalls of Participatory Programs: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Education In India

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 2 (1)
Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, Esther Duflo, Rachel Glennerster, Stuti Khemani
February 2010
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biology
Behavioral Economics

Self-deception as self-signalling: a model and experimental evidence

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biology, 2010, 365, 227-240.
Mijovic-Prelec, D. and D. Prelec.
January 2010

Robust Confidence Sets in the Presence of Weak Instruments

Journal of Econometrics, 157, pp. 236-247
Anna Mikusheva
January 2010

A Theory of Firm Scope

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125 (2): 483-513
Hart, Oliver, and Bengt Holmstrom
January 2010
Public Economics, Financial Economics

Dimensions of Tax Design: The Mirrlees Review

Oxford University Press, 2010
James Mirrlees, Stuart Adam, Timothy Besley, Richard Blundell, Stephen Bond, Robert Chote, Malcolm Gammie, Paul Johnson, Gareth Myles, James Poterba
January 2010