Publications & Papers

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Macroeconomic Dynamics

Growth and Inequality: Model Evaluation Based on an Estimation-Calibration Strategy

Macroeconomic Dynamics Special Issue on Inequality 12; Supplement S2: 231-84
Hyeok Jeong, Robert M. Townsend
September 2008
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

The Anatomy of Start-Stop Growth

Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(3), 582–587
Benjamin F. Jones, Benjamin A. Olken
August 2008
Review of Economic Dynamics
Economic Theory

Purification in the Infinitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma

Review of Economic Dynamics 11, 515-528
V. Bhaskar, George J. Mailath and Stephen Morris
July 2008
Games and Economic Behavior
Economic Theory

Ex Post Implementation

Games and Economic Behavior 63, 527-566
Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
July 2008
Institutions and Economic Performance
Development Economics, Political Economy

Economic and Political Inequality in Development: The Case of Cundinamarca, Colombia

Published in Institutions and Economic Performance
Daron Acemoglu, Maria Angelica Bautista, Pablo Querubin, James A. Robinson
June 2008
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Income and Democracy

American Economic Review, 98(3), pp. 808-42
Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, James A. Robinson, Pierre Yared
June 2008
Journal of Political Economy

Capital Deepening and Nonbalanced Economic Growth

Journal of Political Economy, 116(3), pp. 467-498
Daron Acemoglu, Veronica Guerrieri
June 2008
Development Economics

Mandated Empowerment: Handing Antipoverty Policy Back to the Poor?

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 1136, Reducing the Impact of Poverty on Health and Human Development: Scientific Approaches, pages 333–341
Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
June 2008
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Financial Economics, Industrial Organization, Political Economy

Determinants of Vertical Integration: Financial Development and Contracting Costs

The Journal of Finance, 63(3), pp. 1251-1290
Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, Todd Mitton
June 2008
Development Economics

Limited Attention and Income Distribution

American Economic Review, vol. 98, no. 2
Abhijit Banerjee, Sendhil Mullainthan
May 2008
Economic Theory, Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Political Economy of Mechanisms

Econometrica, 76(3), pp. 619-641
Daron Acemoglu, Michael Golosov, Aleh Tsyvinski
May 2008
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Rural Windfall or a New Resource Curse? Coca, Income and Civil Conflict in Colombia

The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(2), 191-215
Joshua Angrist, Adriana Kugler
May 2008
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

When Does Policy Reform Work - The Case of Central Bank Independence

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2008(1), pp. 351-418
Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, Pablo Querubin, James A. Robinson
May 2008
Industrial Organization

Lessons Learned from Electricity Market Liberalization

The Energe Journal, Special Issue on the Future of Electricity, pp. 9-42
Paul Joskow
May 2008
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists

Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(2), 300–323
David H. Autor, Lawrence F. Katz, Melissa S. Kearney
May 2008
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

The Church vs. The Mall: What Happens When Religion Faces Increased Secular Competition?

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123, 831-862
Jonathan Gruber, Dan Hungerman
May 2008
Industrial Organization

EU Emissions Trading System in Perspective

A. Denny Ellerman, Paul Joskow
May 2008
Mathematics of Operations Research
Economic Theory

Local Indices for Degenerate Variational Inequalities

Mathematics of Operations Research, 33(2), pp. 291-300
Daron Acemoglu, Asuman Ozdaglar, Alp Simsek
May 2008