Publications & Papers

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Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Temperature and Income: Reconciling New Cross Sectional and Panel Estimates

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 99(2), 198-204
Melissa Dell, Benjamin F. Jones, Benjamin A. Olken
May 2009
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

Random Matching in Adaptive Dynamics

Games and Economic Behavior, 66, 98-114
Glenn Ellison, Drew Fudenberg, Lorens A. Imhof
May 2009

Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 99.2: 584-588
Ricardo Caballero, Arvind Krishnamurthy
May 2009
" "
Economic Theory

Price and Capacity Competition

Games and Economic Behavior, 66 (2009), pp. 1–26
Daron Acemoglu, Kostas Bimpikis, Asuman Ozdaglar
May 2009
Health Economics, Public Economics

Approaches to Estimating the Health State Dependence of the Utility Function

Amy Finkelstein, Erzo F.P. Luttmer and Matthew J. Notowidigdo
May 2009
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

This Job is “Getting Old”: Measuring Changes in Job Opportunities using Occupational Age Structure

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 99(2), 45–51
David Autor, David Dorn
May 2009
" "
Political Economy

Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule?

American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 99, pp. 298-303
Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov, Konstantin Sonin
May 2009
American Economic Review P&P


Economic Theory, Industrial Organization, Market Design

Skewed Bidding in Pay Per Action Auctions for Online Advertising

American Economic Review P&P
Nikhil Agarwal, Susan Athey, David Yang
May 2009
American Economic Review

Impact of Climate Change on Rice Production in Thailand

American Economic Review 99(2): 1-10
John Felkner, Kamilya Tazhibayeva, Robert M. Townsend
May 2009

Building a resilient financial system

Financial Times Economists Forum
Ricardo Caballero
April 2009
International Economic Review

Welfare Gains from Financial Liberalization

International Economic Review 51(3): 553-597
Robert M. Townsend, Kenichi Ueda
April 2009

A commission-free PPIP

Financial Times Economists Forum
Ricardo Caballero
April 2009
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

A Biological Model of Unions

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(2), 150-175
Michael Kremer, Benjamin A. Olken
April 2009

Incomplete Information, Higher-Order Beliefs, and Price Inertia

Journal of Monetary Economics 56:S1
George-Marios Angeletos, Jennifer La'O
March 2009

A preliminary reaction to the PPIP

Financial Times Economists Forum
Ricardo Caballero
March 2009

Constructive solutions to the financial crisis

Financial Times Economists Forum
Ricardo Caballero
March 2009
Economic Theory

Durable Bargaining Power and Stochastic Deadlines

Alp Simsek, Muhamet Yildiz
March 2009

A Policy Principle to Break the Downward Spiral

Wall Street Journal Blog
Ricardo Caballero
March 2009