Publications & Papers

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Review of Economic Studies
Economic Theory, Political Economy

Coalition Formation in Non-Democracies

The Review of Economic Studies, 75(4), pp. 987-1009
Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov, Konstantin Sonin
February 2008
Development Economics

Mandated Empowerment: Handing Antipoverty Policy Back to the Poor?

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008;1136:333-41
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo
February 2008
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

Does Job Testing Harm Minority Workers? Evidence from Retail Establishments

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123(1), 219–277
David H. Autor, David Scarborough
February 2008
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Is Spanish-Only Schooling Responsible for the Puerto Rican Language Gap?

Journal of Development Economics, 85(1)
Joshua Angrist, Aimee Chin, Ricardo Godoy
February 2008

Musical Chairs: A Comment on the Credit Crisis

in Financial Stability Review—Special Issue on Liquidity, No. 11, Banque de France
Ricardo Caballero, Arvind Krishnamurthy
February 2008

On the Optimality of the Friedman Rule with Heterogeneous Agents and Non-Linear Income Taxation

Journal of Political Economy, 116(1), 82-112
Carlos E. da Costa, Iván Werning
February 2008

Hedging Sudden Stops and Precautionary Contractions

Journal of Development Economics 85: 28-57
RIcardo Caballero, Stavros Panageas
February 2008
 Lectures on Antitrust Economics is a textbook by Michael Whinston.

Lectures on Antitrust Economics

Michael Whinston
January 2008
 Central Banks as Economic Institutions
Economic Theory, Macroeconomics

Coordinating Expectations in Monetary Policy

In Central Banks as Economic Institutions, 88-104
Stephen Morris and Hyun Song Shin
January 2008
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Economic Theory

Global Games

In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 3, 676-681, 2nd edition
Stephen Morris
January 2008
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Improving Opportunities and Incentives for Saving by Middle- and Low-Income Households

In Path to Prosperity: Hamilton Project Ideas on Income Security, Education and Taxes, Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution
William G. Gale, Jonathan Gruber, Peter R. Orszag
January 2008

Creative Destruction

The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Second Edition
Ricardo Caballero
January 2008
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Economic Theory


In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics 6, 779-782, 2nd edition
Stephen Morris
January 2008
Industrial Organization

Airline Industry

In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition
Nancy L. Rose
January 2008
" "

Terrorism and the World Economy

European Economic Review, 52(1), 1-27.
Alberto Abadie with J. Gardeazabal
January 2008
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Treatment Effects

In The New Palgrave, Second Edition
Joshua D. Angrist
January 2008


Online Appendix
Health Economics, Public Economics

Input and Technology Choices in Regulated Industries: Evidence from the Health Care Sector

Daron Acemoglu and Amy Finkelstein
January 2008
Health Economics, Public Economics

The Interaction of Public and Private Insurance: Medicaid and the Long-Term Insurance Market

Jeffrey Brown and Amy Finkelstein
January 2008