Publications & Papers by Stephen Morris

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Journal of Economic Theory
Economic Theory

Depth of Knowledge and the Effect of Higher Order Uncertainty

The Journal of Economic Theory 6, 453-467
Stephen Morris, Andrew Postlewaite and Hyun Song Shin
January 1995
Economic Theory

p-Dominance and Belief Potential

Econometrica 63, 145-157
Stephen Morris, Rafael Rob and Hyun Song Shin
January 1995
Journal of Political Economy
Economic Theory, Political Economy

On the Form of Transfers to Special Interests

Journal of Political Economy 103, 1210-1235
Stephen Coate and Stephen Morris
January 1995
Behavioral Economics, Economic Theory

Trade with Heterogeneous Prior Beliefs and Asymmetric Information

Econometrica 62, 1327-1347
Stephen Morris
January 1994
Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference
Economic Theory

Revising Knowledge: A Hierarchical Approach

In Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference, 160-174
Stephen Morris
January 1994
Journal of Economic Theory


Economic Theory, Financial Economics

Finite Bubbles with Short Sales Constraints and Asymmetric Information

Journal of Economic Theory 61, 206-229
Franklin Allen, Stephen Morris and Andrew Postlewaite
January 1993
Journal of Public Economics
Development Economics, International Economics, Macroeconomics, Public Economics

Fiscal Stabilization and Exchange Rate Instability: A Theoretical Approach and Some Policy Conclusions using Mexican Data

Journal of Public Economics 42, 329-356
Andrew Feltenstein and Stephen Morris
January 1990
Economic Theory

Implementation via Information Design in Binary‐Action Supermodular Games

Econometrica, Forthcoming
Stephen Morris, Daisuke Oyama and Satoru Takahashi,
Journal of the European Economic Association
Economic Theory, Political Economy

Inspiring Regime Change

Journal of the European Economic Association 21, 2635-2681
Stephen Morris and Mehdi Shadmehr
Economic Theory, Political Economy

Repression and Repertoires

American Economic Review: Insights, forthcoming
Stephen Morris and Mehdi Shadmehr