Publications & Papers

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Development Economics

Policies for a better-fed world

Review of World Economics, Volume 152, Issue 1
Abhijit Banerjee
February 2016
Environmental Economics, Macroeconomics

Transition to Clean Technology

Journal of Political Economy, 124(1), pp. 52-104
Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, Douglas Hanley, William Kerr
February 2016
In Monetary Policy through Asset Markets: Lessons from Unconventional Measures and Implications for an Integrated World
Economic Theory, Financial Economics, Macroeconomics

Risk Premium Shifts and Monetary Policy: A Coordination Approach

In Monetary Policy through Asset Markets: Lessons from Unconventional Measures and Implications for an Integrated World, 131-148
Stephen Morris and Hyun Song Shin
January 2016
American Economic Review


Economic Theory

The Allocation of Future Business: Dynamic Relational Contracts with Multiple Agents

American Economic Review. 2016;106 (9) :2742-2759.
Isaiah Andrews, Daniel Barron
January 2016
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

The Contribution of the Minimum Wage to U.S. Wage Inequality over Three Decades: A Reassessment

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(1), 58–99.
David Autor, Alan Manning, Christopher L. Smith
January 2016


Web Appendix

Stand and Deliver: Effects of Boston’s Charter High Schools on College Preparation, Entry, and Choice

Journal of Labor Economics, 34(2), 275–318
Joshua D. Angrist, Sarah Cohodes, Susan Dynarski, Parag A. Pathak and Christopher Walters
January 2016

Grossman-Hart (1986) as a Theory of Markets

The Impact of Incomplete Contracts on Economics (eds. P. Aghion, M. Dewatripont, P. Legros and L. Zingales). New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 17-20
Bengt Holmstrom
January 2016
Economic Theory

Reputation without Commitment in Finitely-Repeated Games

Theoretical Economics, 11, 157-186
Jonathan Weinstein, Muhamet Yildiz
January 2016
The Search for Europe: Contrasting Approaches
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

The Ups and Downs of Turkish Growth, 2002-2015: Political Dynamics, the European Union and the Institutional Slide

Published in The Search for Europe: Contrasting Approaches BBVA OpenMind Press
Daron Acemoglu, Murat Ucer
January 2016

What Really Matters in Designing School Choice Mechanisms

In Advances in Economics and Econometrics, 11th World Congress of the Econometric Society
Parag A. Pathak
January 2016

Fiscal Multipliers: Liquidity Traps and Currency Unions

Handbook of Macroeconomics, 2, 2417-2495
Emmanuel Farhi, Iván Werning
January 2016
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Wanna Get Away? Regression Discontinuity Estimation of Exam School Effects Away from the Cutoff

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110(512), 1331-1344
Joshua Angrist, Miikka Rokkanen
January 2016

Real Rigidity, Nominal Rigidity, and the Social Value of Information

American Economic Review 106:1
George-Marios Angeletos, Luigi Iovino, Jennifer La'O
January 2016
International Economics, Labor Economics

Import Competition and the Great US Employment Sag of the 2000s

Journal of Labor Economics, 34(S1), pp. S141-S198
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Brendan Price
January 2016
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Semiparametric Estimates of Monetary Policy Effects: String Theory Revisited

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Joshua Angrist, Òscar Jordà, Guido Kuersteiner
January 2016
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

Fast Convergence in Evolutionary Models: A Lyapunov Approach

Journal of Economic Theory, 161, 1-36
Glenn Ellison, Drew Fudenberg, Lorens A. Imhof
January 2016

Maximum Likelihood Inference in Weakly Identified DSGE Models

Quantitative Economics, 6, pp. 123-152
Anna Mikusheva, Isaiah Andrews
December 2015
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

More Insurers lower Premiums: Evidence from Initial Pricing in the Health Insurance Marketplace

American Journal of Health Economics, 1(1), 53-81
Leemore Dafny, Jonathan Gruber, Chris Ody
December 2015