Publications & Papers

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NBER Macroeconomics Annual
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

Converging to Converge: A Comment

Published in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, v. 36, pp 425-442. University of Chicago Press
Daron Acemoglu, Carlos Molina
January 2022

Isaiah Andrews, 2021 John Bates Clark Medalist

Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 36(1), pp. 177-90
Anna Mikusheva, Jesse M. Shapiro
December 2021
Public Economics

Critical Role of the Subways in the Initial Spread of SARS-CoV-2 in New York City

Frontiers of Public Health 9, 754767 (2021)
Jeffrey E. Harris
December 2021
Quarterly Journal of Economics

Why Do People Stay Poor?

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(2), 785-844
Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, Maitreesh Ghatak, Anton Heil
December 2021
Development Economics

Long-term Effects of the Targeting the Ultra Poor Program

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Garima Sharma
December 2021

A Novel Approach to Equitable Distribution of Scarce Therapeutics

CHEST Journal, 160(6), 2324-2331
Emily Rubin, Scott L Dryden-Peterson, Sarah P Hammond, Inga Lennes, Alyssa R Letourneau, Parag A. Pathak, Tayfun Sönmez and M. Utku Ünver
December 2021
Journal of the American Statistical Association

A Penalized Synthetic Control Estimator for Disaggregated Data

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116(536), 1817-1834.
Alberto Abadie with J. L'Hour
December 2021
American Economic Review
Health Economics, Macroeconomics

Optimal Targeted Lockdowns in a Multi-Group SIR Model

American Economic Review: Insights 3(4), pp. 487-502.
Daron Acemoglu, Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Werning, Michael D. Whinston
December 2021
Labor Economics

Natürliche Experimente im Arbeitsmarkt und darüber hinaus

Wirtschaftsdienst, 101. Jahrgang, 2021, Heft 12, S. 977–983
Simon Jäger, Jörn-Steffen Pischke
December 2021
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Tax Administration vs. Tax Rates: Evidence from Corporate Taxation in Indonesia

American Economic Review, 111(12), 3827–3871
M. Chatib Basri, Mayara Felix, Rema Hanna, Benjamin A. Olken
December 2021
Development Economics

Long-term Effects of the Targeting the Ultra Poor Program

American Economic Review: Insights
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo,Garima Sharma
December 2021
Public Economics, Financial Economics

Economic Perspectives on Infrastructure Investment

Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy. Aspen Institute Press
Edward L. Glaeser, James Poterba
December 2021
Health Economics, Public Economics

The IO of Selection Markets

Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein and Neale Mahoney
December 2021
Public Economics

COVID-19 Incidence and hospitalization during the delta surge were inversely related to vaccination coverage among the most populous U.S. Counties

Health Policy and Technology 11(2), 100583 (2002)
Jeffrey E. Harris
November 2021



A Model of Endogenous Risk Intolerance and LSAPs: Asset Prices and Aggregate Demand in a "Covid-19" Shock

The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 34, Issue 11
Ricardo Caballero, Alp Simsek
November 2021
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Regulating Drug Prices While Increasing Innovation

New England Journal of Medicine, 385
Rena Conti, Richard Frank, Jonathan Gruber
November 2021
Labor Economics

What Does Codetermination Do?

ILR Review, forthcoming
Simon Jäger, Shakked Noy, Benjamin Schoefer
November 2021
Development Economics

Naïve Learning with Uninformed Agents

American Economic Review: Insights
Abhijit Banerjee, Emily Breza, Arun Chandrasekhar, Markus Mobius
November 2021