Publications & Papers

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The Narrow Corridor cover
Macroeconomics, Political Economy

The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty

Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson
September 2019
Development Economics

The influence of randomized controlled trials on development economics research and development policy

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer
September 2019
Development Economics

Can Microfinance Unlock a Poverty Trap for Some Entrepreneurs?

Abhijit Banerjee, Emily Breza, Esther Duflo and Cynthia Kinnan
September 2019

Double/De-Biased Machine Learning of Global and Local Parameters Using Regularized Riesz Representers

The Econometrics Journal
Victor Chernozhukov, Whitney Newey, James Robins, Rahul Singh
September 2019

Slow Moving Debt Crises

American Economic Review, 109(9), 3229-3263
Guido Lorenzoni, Iván Werning
September 2019
Development Economics

The Efficient Deployment of Police Resources: Theory and New Evidence from a Randomized Drunk Driving Crackdown in India

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Daniel Keniston and Nina Singh
September 2019
Development Economics

The Efficient Deployment of Police Resources: Theory and New Evidence from a Randomized Drunk Driving Crackdown in India

Abhijit Banerjee, Raghabendra Chattopadhyay, Esther Duflo, Daniel Keniston, and Nina Singh
August 2019


Computer Code

Testing the Drift-Diffusion Model

Drew Fudenberg, Whitney K. Newey, Philipp Strack, Tomasz Strzalecki
August 2019


Development Economics

The Challenges of Universal Health Insurance in Developing Countries: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Experiment in Indonesia

Abhijit Banerjee, Amy Finklestein, Rema Hanna, Benjamin Olken, Arianna Ornaghi and Sudarno Sumarto
August 2019
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Defensive Medicine: Evidence from Military Immunity

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11(3), 197-231
Michael Frakes, Jonathan Gruber
August 2019
Economic Theory

Crisis: Equilibrium Shifts and Large Shocks

American Economic Review, 109(8), 2823-2854
Stephen Morris, Muhamet Yildiz
August 2019
Industrial Organization

Frictions in a Competitive, Regulated Market: Evidence From Taxis

American Economic Review, 109(8), 2954-2992
Guillaume R. Fréchette, Alessandro Lizzeri, Tobias Salz
August 2019

Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for High-dimensional Linear Models with Many Endogenous Variables

Alexandre Belloni, Christian Hansen, Whitney Newey
August 2019
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

Non-Cognitive Deficits and Young Adult Outcomes: The Long-Run Impacts of a Universal Child Care Program

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11(3
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan
August 2019
Development Economics

Universal Basic Income in a Developing World

Annual Review of Economics, Volume 11: 959-983
Abhijit Banerjee, Paul Niehaus, Tavneet Suri
August 2019
American Economic Review
Economic Theory, Macroeconomics

Crises: Equilibrium Shifts and Large Shocks

American Economic Review 109, 2823–2854
Stephen Morris and Muhamet Yildiz
August 2019
Health Economics, Public Economics

Take-up and Targeting- Experimental Evidence from SNAP

Amy Finkelstein and Matthew J. Notowidigdo
August 2019

Inference on weighted average value function in high-dimensional state space

Victor Chernozhukov, Whitney Newey, Vira Semenova
August 2019