Publications & Papers

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Efficiency and Information Transmission in Bilateral Trading

Review of Economic Dynamics, 33, 154-176
Robert Shimer, Iván Werning
August 2015
Development Economics

Toilets Can Work: Short and Medium Run Health Impacts of Addressing Complimentaries and Externalities in Water and Sanitation

Thomas Clasen, Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone and Raymond Guiteras
August 2015
Economic Theory

It's the Thought That Counts: The Role of Intentions in Noisy Repeated Games

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
David G. Rand, Drew Fudenberg, and Anna Dreber
August 2015
American Economic Review


Public Economics

The Effects of Exposure to Better Neighborhoods on Children: New Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Project

American Economic Review 106 (4)
Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Lawrence Katz
August 2015
Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3), 3–30.
David H. Autor
August 2015
Labor Economics

Complex Tax Incentives

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 7 (3):1-28,
Simon Jäger, Johannes Abeler
August 2015

Finite Sample Bias Correct IV Estimation for Weak and Many Instruments

Matthew Harding, Jerry Hausman, Christopher Palmer
July 2015
International Economics, Environmental Economics, Development Economics

Who’s Getting Globalized? The Size and Implications of Intranational Trade Costs

Revise and resubmit, Econometrica
Dave Donaldson, David Atkin
July 2015
Development Economics, Political Economy

State Capacity and Economic Development: A Network Approach

American Economic Review 105(8), pp. 2364-2409
Daron Acemoglu, Camilo Garcia-Jimeno , James A. Robinson
July 2015
Health Economics, Industrial Organization, Market Design

An Empirical Model of the Medical Match

American Economic Review
Nikhil Agarwal
July 2015
" "
International Economics, Macroeconomics

Offshoring and Directed Technical Change

American Economic Journal: Macro, 7(3), pp. 84–12
Daron Acemoglu, Gino Gancia, Fabrizio Zilibotti
July 2015
Industrial Organization

“Equilibria in Health Exchanges: Adverse Selection vs. Reclassification Risk”

Econometrica, 83(4), 1261-1313
Ben Handel, Igal Hendel, Michael D. Whinston
July 2015
Journal of Economic Theory
Economic Theory, Macroeconomics

Information and Volatility

Journal of Economic Theory 158, 427-465
Dirk Bergemann, Tibor Heumann and Stephen Morris
July 2015
Public Economics, Financial Economics

Saver Heterogeneity and the Challenge of Assessing Retirement Savings Adequacy

National Tax Journal, (68) June 2015, 377-388
James Poterba
June 2015
Development Economics

Movies, Margins and Marketing: Encouraging the Adoption of Iron Fortified Salt

"Insights in the Economics of Aging," edited by David A. Wise (NBER)
Abhijit Banerjee, Sharon Barnhardt and Esther Duflo
June 2015

Second Order Expansion of the t-statistic in AR(1) Models

Econometric Theory, 31, pp. 426-448
Anna Mikusheva
June 2015
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Promises and Perils of Pre-Analysis Plans

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3), 61-80
Benjamin A. Olken
June 2015
Journal of Political Economy
Economic Theory, Macroeconomics

Robust Comparative Statics in Large Dynamic Economies

Journal of Political Economy, 123(3), pp. 587-640
Daron Acemoglu, Martin Kaae Jensen
June 2015