Publications & Papers

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Political Economy

The Rise and Decline of General Laws of Capitalism

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(1), pp. 3–28
Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson
December 2015

A Caricature (Model) of the World Economy

in Economic Policies in EmergingMarket Economies, Festschrift in Honor of Vittorio Corbo, eds Ricardo Caballero and Klause Schmidt-Hebbel, Central Bank of Chile, pp. 61-77. Series on Central Banking, Analysis, & Economic Policies
Ricardo Caballero
December 2015
Development Economics

Network Structure and the Aggregation of Information: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia

Vivi Alatas, Abhijit Banerjee, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Rema Hanna, and Benjamin A. Olken
December 2015
Behavioral Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics, Public Economics

More Insurers lower Premiums: Evidence from Initial Pricing in the Health Insurance Marketplace

American Journal of Health Economics, 1(1), 53-81
Leemore Dafny, Jonathan Gruber, Chris Ody
December 2015

Maximum Likelihood Inference in Weakly Identified DSGE Models

Quantitative Economics, 6, pp. 123-152
Anna Mikusheva, Isaiah Andrews
December 2015
Public Economics, Financial Economics

The Effect of Taxes on Shareholder Inflows around Mutual Fund Distribution Dates

Research in Economics 70 (2016): 7-9
Woodrow Johnson, James Poterba
November 2015
Economic Theory

Stochastic Choice And Revealed Perturbed Utility

Drew Fudenberg, Ryota Iijima, And Tomasz Strzalecki
November 2015
Journal of Economic Theory
Economic Theory

Common Belief Foundations of Global Games

Journal of Economic Theory 163, 826-848
Stephen Morris, Hyun Song Shin and Muhamet Yildiz
November 2015

On the Global ZLB Economy

Ricardo Caballero, Emmanuel Farhi, and Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
October 2015
Economic Theory

Invariance to Representation of Information

Games and Economic Behavior, 94, 142-156
Muhamet Yildiz
October 2015



Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Demand

Iván Werning
October 2015
Health Economics, Public Economics

Moral Hazard in Health Insurance: Do Dynamic Incentives Matter?

Aviva Aron-Dine, Mark Cullen, Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein
October 2015
Economic Theory

Rationalizable Partition-Confirmed Equilibrium

Theoretical Economics
Drew Fudenberg and Yuichiro Kamada
October 2015
Journal of Political Economy
Economic Theory, Political Economy

Political Economy in a Changing World

Journal of Political Economy, 123(5), pp. 1038-1086
Daron Acemoglu, Georgy Egorov, Konstantin Sonin
October 2015

How Individual Preferences are Aggregated in Groups: An Experimental Study

Journal of Public Economics, 129(C), 1-13
Attila Ambrus, Ben Greiner and Parag A. Pathak
September 2015
Development Economics

Education, HIV and Early Fertility: Experimental Evidence from Kenya

Najy Benhassine, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Victor Pouliquen
September 2015
Tax Policy and the Economy 30


Slides NBER Link
Public Economics

The Policy Elasticity

Tax Policy and the Economy 30
Nathaniel Hendren
September 2015
Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, Public Economics

Discounting the Long Run

Blog Post - Liberty Street Economics
Tobias Adrian, Richard Crump, Peter Diamond, Rui Yu
August 2015