Publications & Papers

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Industrial Organization

Diversity, Social Goods Provision, and Performance in the FIrm

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 23, Number 2, 465-481
Sara Fisher Ellison, Wallace Mullin
August 2014
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

Dynamics of Open Source Movements

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 23(2), 294-316
Glenn Ellison, Susan Athey
July 2014
Development Economics

Turning a Shove into a Nudge? A "Labeled Cash Transfer" for Education

Najy Benhassine, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Victor Pouliquen
July 2014

Housing Market Spillovers: Evidence from the End of Rent Control in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Journal of Political Economy, 122(3), 661–717.
David H. Autor, Christopher J. Palmer and Parag A. Pathak
June 2014

Bequest Taxation and r − g

Emmanuel Farhi, Iván Werning
June 2014
Labor Economics, Econometrics

When Opportunity Knocks, Who Answers? New Evidence on College Achievement Awards

Journal of Human Resources, 49(3)
Joshua Angrist, Philip Oreopoulos, Tyler Williams
June 2014


Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

The Missing "Missing Middle"

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(3), 89-108
Cheng-Tai Hsieh, Benjamin A. Olken
June 2014
Industrial Organization

How Airline Markets Work...or Do They? Regulatory Reform in the Airline Industry.

In Economic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?
Nancy L. Rose
June 2014
Industrial Organization

Economic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?

Nancy L. Rose (Editor)
June 2014
Public Economics

Where is the Land of Opportunity: The Geography of Intergenerational Mobility in the United States

Quarterly Journal of Economics 129 (4): 1553-1623
Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Patrick Kline, Emmanuel Saez
June 2014
Labor Economics, Econometrics

The Perils of Peer Effects

Labour Economics
Joshua D. Angrist
June 2014
Industrial Organization

Learning From the Past: Insights for the Regulation of Economic Activity

In Economic Regulation and Its Reform: What Have We Learned?
Nancy L. Rose
June 2014
Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy

Skills, Education, and the Rise of Earnings Inequality Among the "Other 99 Percent"

Science: 344 (6186), 843–851
David H. Autor
May 2014

Persistent Appreciations and Overshooting: A Normative Analysis

IMF Economic Review 62: 1-47
Ricardo Caballero, Guido Lorenzoni
May 2014

Weak Identification in Maximum Likelihood: A Question of Information

American Economic Reviews: Papers and Proceedings, 104(5), pp.195-199
Anna Mikusheva, Isaiah Andrews
May 2014


Online Appendix
Health Economics, Public Economics

The Impact of Medicaid on Labor Force Activity and Program Participation: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment

Katherine Baicker, Amy Finkelstein, Jae Song and Sarah Taubman
May 2014
Development Economics

Bundling Health Insurance and Microfinance in India: There Cannot be Adverse Selection if There is No Demand

American Economic Review Vol. 104, No. 5
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Richard Hornbeck
May 2014
Development Economics

(Dis)organization and success in an economics MOOC

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo
May 2014