Publications & Papers

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Development Economics

Do labor market policies have displacement effects? Evidence from a clustered randomized experiment

Bruno Crepon, Esther Duflo, Marc Gurgand, Roland Rathelot and Philippe Zamora
November 2012
Political Economy

Finding Eldorado: Slavery and Long-run Development in Colombia

Journal of Comparative Economics, 40(4), pp. 534-564
Daron Acemoglu, Camilo Garcia-Jimeno , James A. Robinson
November 2012
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

The Political Economy of Deforestation in the Tropics

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(4), 1707-1754
Robin Burgess, Matthew Hansen, Benjamin A. Olken, Peter Potapov, Stefanie Sieber
November 2012
Development Economics

Happiness on Tap: Piped Water Adoption in Urban Morocco

Florencia Devoto, Pascaline Dupas, William Pariente and Vincent Pons
November 2012
Economic Theory

Subgame Perfect Implementation Under Information Perturbations

Quarterly Journal of Economics
Philippe Aghion, Drew Fudenberg, Richard Holden, Takashi Kunimoto, and Olivier Tercieux
November 2012

Selection-Free Predictions in Global Games with Endogenous Information and Multiple Equilibria

Theoretical Economics 8
George-Marios Angeletos, Alessandro Pavan
October 2012
Industrial Organization, Economic Theory

A Search Cost Model of Obfuscation

Rand Journal of Economics, 43(3), 417-441
Glenn Ellison, Alexander Wolitzky
October 2012

Macroeconomics after the Crisis: Time to Deal with the Pretense-of-Knowledge Syndrome

Journal of Economic Perspectives 24.4: 85-102
Ricardo Caballero
October 2012

Non-linear Capital Taxation Without Commitment

The Review of Economic Studies, 79(4), 1469-1493
Emmanuel Farhi, Christopher Sleet, Iván Werning, Sevin Yeltekin
October 2012
Political Economy

The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation: Reply

American Economic Review, 102(6), pp. 3077–3110
Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, James A. Robinson
October 2012

The Network Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations

Econometrica, 80(5), pp. 1977-2016
Daron Acemoglu, Vasco M. Carvalho, Asuman Ozdaglar, Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
September 2012

Who Benefits from KIPP?

The Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Joshua D. Angrist, Susan M. Dynarski, Thomas J. Kane, Parag A. Pathak and Christopher R. Walters
September 2012
International Economics, Environmental Economics, Development Economics

Railroads and the Demise of Famine in Colonial India

Dave Donaldson, Robin Burgess
September 2012
Political Economy, Economic Theory

Reputational Bargaining with Minimal Knowledge of Rationality

Econometrica, 80(5), 2047-2087
Alexander Wolitzky
September 2012
Political Economy

Social Structure and Development - A Legacy of the Holocaust in Russia

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(2), pp. 895-946
Daron Acemoglu, Tarek A. Hassan, James A. Robinson
August 2012
Health Economics, Public Economics

The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from the First Year

Heidi Allen, Katherine Baicker, Mira Bernstein, Amy Finkelstein, Jonathan Gruber, Joseph P. Newhouse, Sarah Taubman, Bill Wright and the Oregon Health Study Group
August 2012
Development Economics, Political Economy, Public Economics

Temperature Shocks and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Half Century

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 4(3), 66-95
Melissa Dell, Benjamin F. Jones, Benjamin A. Olken
July 2012



Dealing with the Trilemma: Optimal Capital Controls with Fixed Exchange Rates

Emmanuel Farhi, Iván Werning
July 2012