“Optimal Long-Term Health Insurance Contracts: Characterization, Computation, and Welfare Effects,” Review of Economic Studies, March 2024, 1085-1121. (with S. Ghili, B. Handel, and I. Hendel)
“Concentration Thresholds for Horizontal Mergers,” American Economic Review (112), June 2022, 915-48. (with V. Nocke)
“Structural Empirical Analysis of Contracting in Vertical Markets,” Handbook of Industrial Organization, 2021, Chapter 9 in K. Ho, A. Hortascu, and A. Lizzeri, eds. (with R. Lee and A. Yurukoglu).
“Optimal Targeted Lockdowns in a Multi-Group SIR Model,” American Economic Review Insights, December 2021, 487-502. (with D. Acemoglu, V. Chernozhukov, and I. Werning)
“Internal Versus External Growth in Industries with Scale Economies: A Computational Model of Optimal Merger Policy,” Journal of Political Economy, January 2020, 301-41. (with B. Mermelstein, V. Nocke, and M. Satterthwaite)
“The Welfare Effects of Vertical Integration in Multichannel Television Markets,” Econometrica, May 2018, 891-954. (with G.S. Crawford, R.S. Lee, and A. Yurukoglu)
"Tying with Network Effects” (with Jay Pil Choi and Doh-Shin Jeon)