Data Archive
The following papers cannot be made available for Public Use
Inequality and Technological Change
Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation
David H. Autor
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3), Summer 2015, 3-30.
File package containing datasets, do-files, and log files (zipped)
Evaluating Econometric Evaluations of Post-Secondary Aid
Joshua Angrist, David Autor, Sally Hudson and Amanda Pallais
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2015, 105(5): 502-507.
File package containing do-files (zipped)
Import Competition and the Great U.S. Employment Sag of the 2000s
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, and Brendan Price
Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming.
Replication files and instructions
File package containing datasets, and do-files (zipped)
Skills, Education, and the Rise of Earnings Inequality Among the "Other 99 Percent"
David H. Autor
Science, 23 May 2014: 344 (6186), 843-851.
Downloads (all datasets, do-files, and log files zipped):
Figure 1. College/High School Median Annual Earnings Gap, 1979-2012.
Figure 2. Cross-National Differences in Wage Returns to Skills, 2011-2013.
Figure 3. The Supply of College Graduates and the U.S. College/High School Premium, 1963-2012.
Figure 4. Present Discounted Value of College Relative to High School Degree Net of Tuition, 1965-2008.
Figure 5. Earnings Inequality and Economic Mobility: Cross-National Relationships.
Figure 6. Change in Real Wage Levels of Full-Time Workers by Education, 1963-2012.
Figure S1. Changes in the 90/10 Ratio of Full-Time Male Earnings Aross Twelve OECD Countries, 1980-2011.
Figure S2. College Share of Hours Worked in the U.S. 1963-2012: Recent Entrants.
Figure S3. Two Measures of Economic Mobility.
Source Data for Figure 3, Figure 6 and Figure S2 (0.6GB, zipped)
Computing Inequality: Have Computers Changed the Labor Market?
David Autor, Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1998, 113 (4), 1169-1214.
Downloads (all datasets, do-files, log files, and graphs zipped):
Table 1. Levels and Changes in the Educational Composition of Employment and the College+/High School Wage Premium, 1940-1996 (excel)
Table 2. College and College Equivalent Wage-Bill Shares, Supply and Demand Shifts, 1940-1996 (excel)
Table 3. Between- and Within- Industry Decomposition of the Increase in the Share of College Graduates in Employment, 1960 - 1996 (excel)
Table 4. Percent of Workers in Various Categories Who Directly Use a Computer at Work (excel)
Table 5. OLS First-Difference Panel Estimates of the Relationship Between Computerization and Educational Upgrading in 3-Digit Industries Between 1979 and 1993
Table 6. OLS First-Difference Estimates of the Relationship Between Computerization 1984 - 1993 and Growth in the College Wage-Bill Share in 3-Digit Industries 1960 - 1996
Table 7. Computers, Capital Intensity, R&D, and Skill Upgrading, 1960 - 1990 in Non-agricultural, Predominantly Private Sector Industries
Table 8. Change in the Nonproduction Worker Share of the Wage Bill in 450 Four-Digit Manufacturing Industries, 1959 - 1989*
Figure 1. Changes in Computer Use and Industry Work-Force Educational Shares
*Note on Table 8: Unfortunately, the variable dexpsh that is needed to generate columns 4-8 was lost in the process of compiling the table 8 materials. Therefore, the do-file only generates columns 1 through 3. See tab8.log for the columns generates, and tab8_full.log for all the Table 8 columns (1-8).
Women, War and Wages: The Effect of Female Labor Supply on the Wage Structure at Mid-Century
David Autor, Daron Acemoglu and David Lyle
Journal of Political Economy, June 2004,112(3).
Downloads (all datasets, do-files, and log files zipped):
List of State Mobilization Rates (excel file)
Table 1. Characteristics of U.S. State Residents in Low-, Medium-, and High-Mobilization Rate States, 1940, 1950, and 1960 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 3. OLS Estimates of Impact f Female Labor Supply on Earnings: 1940-90 at Various Time Intervals (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 4. 1940 State-Level Determinants of WWII Mobilization Rates (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 5. Impact of WWII Mobilization Rates on Labor Supply, 1940-50 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 6. Impact of WWII Mobilization Rates on Female Labor Supply, 1940-50, Controlling for the Fraction of Males in Occupations and Industries in 1940 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 7. Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Impact of WWII Mobilization Rates (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 8. Impact of WWII Mobilization Rates on Female Labor Supply, 1940-50, 1950-60, and 1930-40 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 9. Instrumental Variables Specifications: Impact of Female Labor Supply on Female and Male Earnings, 1940-50 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 10. Impact of Female Labor Supply on Female/Male Earnings Differential, 1940-50 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 11. Impact of Female Labor Supply on Female and Male Full-Time Weekly Earnings, 1940-50 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table 12. Impact of Female Labor Supply on Male Education Earnings Differential, 1940-50 (datasets) (do and log files)
Table A1. Impact of WWII Mobilization Rates on Female Labor Supply by Age, Education, and Cohort, 1940-50 (datasets) (do and log files)
The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An Empirical Exploration
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(4), November 2003, 1279-1334.
Downloads (all datasets, do-files, and log files zipped):
Table 1. Predictions of Task Model for the Impact of Computerization on Four Categories of Workplace Tasks (excel file)
Table 2. Means of Task Input by Decade and Decomposition into Within and Between Industry Components, 1960-1998
Table 3. Computerization and Industry Task Input, 1960-1998
Table 4. Computer Investment, Capital Intensity, and Task Input in Three-Digit Industries 1960-1998: Stacked First-Difference Estimates
Table 5. Computerization and Industry Task Input 1980-1998: Overall and by Education Group
Table 6. Computerization and Changes in Job Task Content Within Occupations 1977-1991
Table 7. Shifts in College-Equivalent Labor Demand Implied by Changes in Job Tasks, 1970-1999 (excel file)
Figure 1. Trends in Routine and Nonroutine Task Input, 1960 to 1998
Figure 2. Smoothed Differences between the Density of Nonroutine Task Input in 1960 and Subsequent Years
Download supporting files (zipped):
Instructions (PDF file)
Consistent occupation crosswalk files
DOT means by occupation
Consistent industry crosswalk files
DOT means by industry
The Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market
David H. Autor, Lawrence F. Katz and Melissa S. Kearney
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2006, 96(2), 189-194.
NBER working paper version (pdf file)
Downloads (all datasets, do-files, log files, and graphs zipped):
Cleaning Programs
calc-occ-educ-meds (datasets) (do and log files)
calc-occ-wage-meds (datasets) (do and log files)
2000 Census (datasets) (do and log files)
1990 Census (datasets) (do and log files)
1980 Census (datasets) (do and log files)
Figure 1. Male and Female Log Hourly 90/50 and 50/10 Earnings Ratios (datasets) (do and log files) (graphs)
Figure 2. Changes in Male and Female Log Real Hourly Earnings by Percentile, 1973–1988 and 1988–2004
Figure 3. Smoothed Changes in Occupational Employment Shares 1980-2000, with Occupations Ranked by Their 1980 Median Wage (datasets) (do and log files) (graphs)
Figure 4. Smoothed Changes in Occupational Employment Shares 1980-2000, with Occupations Ranked by Their 1980 Average Years of Schooling. (datasets) (do and log files)
Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists
David H. Autor, Lawrence F. Katz and Melissa S. Kearney
Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2008.
Downloads (all datasets, do-files, and log files zipped):
Figure 1. Change in Log Real Weekly Wage by Percentile, Fulltime Workers, 1963-2005
Figure 2. Three Measures of Wage Inequality: College/High School Premium, Male 90/10 Overall Inequality, and Male 90/10 Residual Inequality (excel)
May/ORG files
Source data
out00-occ 79-occ 90-occ may73
out01-occ 80-occ 91-occ may74
out02-occ 81-occ 92-occ may75
out03-occ 82-occ 93-occ may76
out04-occ 83-occ 94-occ may77
out05-occ 84-occ 95-occ may78
out06-occ 85-occ 96-occ
86-occ 97-occ
87-occ 98-occ
88-occ 99-occ
Working data sets:
March CPS files:
Source data
mar00 mar62 mar70 mar80 mar90
mar01 mar63 mar71 mar81 mar91
mar02 mar64 mar72 mar82 mar92
mar03 mar65 mar73 mar83 mar93
mar04 mar66 mar74 mar84 mar94
mar05 mar67 mar75 mar85 mar95
mar06 mar68 mar76 mar86 mar96
mar07 mar69 mar77 mar87 mar97
mar78 mar88 mar98
mar79 mar88b mar99
Working data sets:
mar00 mar62 mar70 mar80 mar90
mar01 mar64 mar71 mar81 mar91
mar02 mar65 mar72 mar82 mar92
mar03 mar66 mar73 mar83 mar93
mar04 mar67 mar74 mar84 mar94
mar05 mar68 mar75 mar85 mar95
mar06 mar69 mar76 mar86 mar96
mar07 mar77 mar87 mar97
mar78 mar88 mar98
mar79 mar89 mar99
Figure 3. 90/50 and 50/10 Weekly Wage Inequality In March (Full-Time Workers) and Hourly Wage Inequality in May/ORG (All Workers) CPS Series, 1963–2005
Figure 5. Trends in Composition-Adjusted Real Log Weekly Full-Time Wages By Gender and Education, 1963–2005 (March CPS)
Table 1. Changes in Real, Composition-Adjusted Log Weekly Wages for Full-Time, Full-Year Workers, 1963–2005. (100 X Change in Mean Log Real Weekly Wages)
Table 2. Regression Models for the College/High School Log Wage Gap, 1963-2005
Table 3. Regression Models for the College/High School Log Wage Gap by Potential Experience Group, 1963-2005, Males and Females Pooled
Table 4. 100 X Observed and Composition-Constant Changes in Overall and Residual Hourly Inequality Measures (May/ORG CPS 1973, 1989, and 2005)
This Job is 'Getting Old': Measuring Changes in Job Opportunities Using Occupational Age Structure
(links to data page of David Dorn)
David Autor and David Dorn
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2009, 99(2), 45-51.
File package containing datasets, do-files, and log files (zipped)
The Polarization of Job Opportunities in the U.S. Labor Market: Implications for Employment and Earnings
David H. Autor
Center for American Progress and The Hamilton Project, May 2010
Cleaning/Prep Files:
Please see "Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings" for data.
Additional Census-ACS Prep Files
10 Broad Occupation Categories (converted from occ1990dd)
Figure 1 - Smoothed Changes in Employment by Occupational Skill Percentile, 1979-2007 (Acemoglu and Autor (2010) Figure 10)
Figure 2 - Percent Changes in Male and Female Hourly Wages Relative to the Median
Figure 3 - Percentage Point Change in Employment by Occupation, 1979-2009 (Acemoglu and Autor (2010) Figure 12)
* Figure 4 - Changes in Occupational Employment Shares by Education and Sex, 1979-2007
Figure 5a/b - United States and European Union Occupation Percentages (Acemoglu and Autor (2010) Figure 15)
Figure 6 - Change in Employment Shares by Occupation in 16 European Countries (Acemoglu and Autor (2010) Figure 11)
Figure 9 - College Degree vs. High School Diploma Log Relative Supply, 1963-2008
Figure 10 - College Degree vs. High School Diploma Weekly Wage Ratio, 1963-2008
** Figure 12 - College Completion Rates of Young Adults, Ages 25-34, by Gender and Race, 1970-2008
** Figure 13 - Percent Changes in Real Hourly Earnings by Education, 1979-2007
Figure 14 - Median Hourly Wage Gain by Years of Schooling, 1973-2007
Appendix Figure 3a/b - Change in Occupation Share by Country, 1992-2008 Males/Females
* May/ORG prep files listed above are needed for this figure/table in addition to those in the Acemoglu and Autor (2010) Data Archive
** Census-ACS prep files listed above are needed for this figure/table in addition to those in the Acemoglu and Autor (2010) Data Archive
Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings [contains color figures: not B&W printer friendly]
Daron Acemoglu and David H. Autor
Handbook of Labor Economics Volume 4, 2010, Orley Ashenfelter and David E. Card (eds.), Amsterdam: Elsevier.
[Optional: Black and white version of paper for non-color printers]
Cleaners: Census cleaners
Cleaned .dta files: 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2008
Preparation files: Census preparation files
Cleaners: May ORG cleaners
Cleaned .dta files (all years):
1973 1979 1985 1991 1997 2003 2009
Preparation files: May ORG wage preparation files
March CPS
Cleaners: March cleaners
Cleaned .dta files (all years):
1962 1969 1975 1981 1987 1993 1999 2005
1964 1970 1976 1982 1988 1994 2000 2006
1965 1971 1977 1983 1989 1995 2001 2007
1966 1972 1978 1984 1990 1996 2002 2008
1967 1973 1979 1985 1991 1997 2003 2009
1968 1974 1980 1986 1992 1998 2004
Preparation files: Supply, Wages
Figure 1 - Composition Adjusted College/High-School Log Weekly Wage Ratio, 1963-2008
Figure 2 - College/High-School Log Relative Supply, 1963-2008
Figure 5a/b - Predicted Log Hourly Wages by Years of Education, Education Quadratic M/F
Figure 6a/b - Predicted Log Hourly Wages by Years of Education, Education Dummies M/F
Figure 9a/b/c - Change in Log Hourly Wages by Percentile Relative to the Median MF/M/F
Figure 10 - Smoothed Changes in Employment by Occupational Skill Percentile 1979-2007
Figure 11 - Change in Employment Shares by Occupation 1993-2006 in 16 European Countries
Figure 12 - Percent Change in Employment by Occupation, 1979-2009
Figure 13a/b/c - Employment Shares by Major Occupation Groups, 1959-2007 MF/M/F
Figure 15 - U.S. and European Union Occupation Percentages, Age 39 or Less
Figure 16a/b - Change in Employment Shares of Young Workers (Age
Figure 20 - Detrended Changes in College/High-School Relative Supply and Relative Wages
Table 2 - Employment and Wages in Ten Broad Occupations, 1959-2007
Table 4 - Education Distribution by Occupation and Gender in 1979 (Census Data)
Table 8 - Regression Models for the College/High-School Log Wage Gap, 1963-2008
The Growth of Low-Skill Service Jobs and the Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market
(links to data page of David Dorn)
David Autor and David Dorn
American Economic Review, 2013,103(5), 1533-1597.
File package containing datasets, do-files, and log files (zipped)
The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States
(links to data page of David Dorn)
David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson
American Economic Review, 2013,103(6), 2121-2168.
File package containing datasets, do-files, and log files (zipped)
Return of the Solow Paradox? IT, Productivity, and Employment in U.S. Manufacturing
(links to data page of David Dorn)
Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson, and Brendan Price
American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 2014, 104(5), 394-399.
File package containing datasets, do-files, and log files (zipped)
Untangling Trade and Technology: Evidence from Local Labor Markets
David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon Hanson
The Economic Journal, May 2015, 125, 621-646.
Labor Market Intermediation
Outsourcing at Will: The Contribution of Unjust Dismissal Doctrine to the Growth of Employment Outsourcing
David Autor
Journal of Labor Economics, January 2003, 21(1).
Download datasets, do-files, and log files (zipped):
Tables 2-9 (all tables)
Table 2. The Relationships among Occupational THS Penetration, Job Skills Training, and Employee Tenure in Detailed (Three-Digit) Occupations, 1995-2001
Table 3. The Estimated Impact of Common Law Exceptions to Employment at Will on THS Employment, 1979-95
Table 4. The Estimated Impact of Common Law Exceptions to Employment at Will on THS Employment, 1979-95: Testing the Impact of the Number of Doctrines versus the Specific Doctrines
Table 5. The Estimated Impact of the Implied Contract Exception to Employment at Will on THS Employment, 1979-95, Controlling for State Demographics
Table 6. The Estimated Impact of the Implied Contract Exception to Employment at Will on THS Employment by Time Period and Region
Table 7. The Estimated Impact of the Implied Contract Exception to Employment at Will on THS Employment, 1979-95, Controlling for State Demographics
Table 8. Union Penetration, the Implied Contract Exception to Employment at Will and State THS Employment, 1979-95
Table 9. The Implied Contract Exception to Employment at Will, Union Penetration, and Employment in the Business Services Sector, 1980–95
Disability and Labor Force Participation
The Rise in the Disability Rolls and the Decline in Unemployment
Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2003, 118(1), 157-206.
Table 1. Potential DI Income as a Percentage of Current Earnings for Nonelderly Males at Various Percentiles of the Wage Distribution, 1979 and 1999 (excel)
Table 2. DI Receipt and Labor Force Participation by Gender, Education, and Age 1979, 1984, AND 1999 (excel)
Table 3. Distribution of Qualifying Impairments of DI Awardees at Five-Year Intervals, 1983-1999 (excel)
Table 4. Change in DI Rolls and Labor Force Participation of Nonelderly Adults: OLS and Instrumental Variables Estimates (zip)
Table 5. Impact of Employment Losses on DI Applications Flows 1978-1998: Reduced-Form and Instrumental Variables Estimates (zip)
Table 6. Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Impact of Employment Losses on Labor Force Exit of High School Dropouts, 1979–1998
Table 7. Determinants of Growth in DI Rolls, 1984 –1998
Table 8. Determinants of Change in High School Dropout Labor Force Participation, 1984–1998
Figure 1. DI Termination Rates per 1000 Beneficiaries by Reason, 1978–2000 (excel)
Figure 2. The Choice of Disability Applicant Status—Immediately, Conditional, Never—as a Function of Earnings and Health (excel)
Figure 3. Impact of Projected Log Employment Shocks on Disability Applications per 1000 Nonelderly Adults at Five-Year Intervals, 1979–1998
Figure 4. DI Awards and Current and Steady State Recipients per Nonelderly Adult Population, 1976–2001 (excel)
Download supplementary materials:
SSDI and SSI recipients, applicants and awards by state and year (excel)
Labor Market Impacts of Wrongful Discharge Protections
The Costs of Wrongful-Discharge Laws
David H. Autor, John J. Donohue III and Stewart J. Schwab
Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2006, 88(2), 211-231.
Table 1. Difference-in-Differences Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful Discharge Laws on State Employment-to-Population Ratio and Hourly Earnings: Contrasting Outcomes in Years 2 and 3 Following Adoption with Years 1 and 2 Preceding Adoption
Table 2. Difference-in-Differences Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful-Discharge Laws on Employment and Hourly Wages, 1978–1999: Contrasting the Impact of any Impact of any Doctrine Versus Specific Doctrines
Table 3. Difference-in-Differences Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful Discharge Laws on Employment-to-Population Ratios: Estimates by Adopter Cohorts, 1978-1999
Table 4. Difference-in-Differences Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful-Discharge Laws on Log Employment-to-Population Ratios for Years 1978-1999: Testing Sensitivity to Selection of Pre- and Post-Adoption Treatment Periods
Table 5. Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful-Discharge Laws on Log Employment-to-Population Ratios by Gender, Age and Education Subgroups, 1978-1999
Table 6. Difference-in-Differences Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful-Discharge Laws on Employment Levels, 1970-1999: Annual Estimates from the Current Population Survey and Current Employment Statistics
Table 7. Estimated Impact of Wrongful-Discharge Laws on Annual Job Flows in Manufacturing, 1973 to 1988
Table A1. Wrongful-Discharge Laws by Region, State, and Year (See downloads for wrongful-discharge legal data)
Table A2. Difference-in-Differences Estimates of the Impact of Wrongful-Discharge Laws on State Employment-to-Population Ratio and Hourly Earnings, 1978–1999: Models Excluding Previously Treated State-Month Observations from the Control Sample
Table A3. Relationship Between Job Creation and Destruction and Employment in Manufacturing, 1973 to 1988
Figure 1. State Log Employment-to-Population Ratios Before and After Adoption of Implied-Contract Exception: Monthly Leads and Lags from 4 Years Before to 8 Years After Adoption
Figure 2. State Log Employment-to-Population Ratios Before and After Adoption of Public Policy Exception: Monthly Leads and Lags from 4 Years Before to 8 Years After Adoption
Figure 3. State Log Employment-to-Population Ratios Before and After Adoption of Good-Faith Exception: Monthly Leads and Lags from 4 Years Before to 8 Years After Adoption
Download wrongful-discharge legal data (not zipped):
Case law (MSWord file)
Appendix Table A1 (MSExcel file)
Law dataset (dta file)