Video Presentations

David Autor presenting at TEDX

Does automation replace experts or augment expertise? The answer is yes. (Slides)

Lecture Video

2024 Schumpeter Lecture (with Neil Thompson of MIT CSAIL), presented to the European Economic Association Rotterdam, Netherlands
August 20, 2024

David Autor, 2023 NOMIS Distinguished Scientist

A film by: Lemmi Karnop, Sinah Rosenzweig
Commissioned by NOMIS Foundation
© 2023 NOMIS Foundation

Richard T. Ely Lecture

American Economic Association Annual Meeting
January 4, 2019, Atlanta

Work of the Past, Work of the Future (companion article)
AEA Papers and Proceedings 2019, 109: 1–32.

Will Automation Take Away All of Our Jobs?

TED Talk
September 2016, Boston

Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? (companion article)
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer, 2015