Large Language Models: An Applied Econometric Framework (with Jens Ludwig and Sendhil Mullainathan). [ Draft ] |
Program Evaluation with Remotely Sensed Variables (with Rahul Singh and Davide Viviano). [ Draft ] |
Structural Estimation under Misspecification: Theory and Implications for Practice (with Isaiah Andrews, Nano Barahona, Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro). [ Draft ] Revisions requested, The Quarterly Journal of Economics. |
From Predictive Algorithms to Automatic Generation of Anomalies (with Sendhil Mullainathan). [ Draft ] Revisions requested, Econometrica. |
Robust Design and Evaluation of Predictive Algorithms under Unobserved Confounding (with Amanda Coston and Edward Kennedy). [ Draft ] Revisions requested, The Review of Economics and Statistics. |
Design-Based Uncertainty for Quasi-Experiments (with Jonathan Roth). [ Draft ] |
When do Common Time Series Estimands have Nonparametric Causal Meaning? (with Neil Shephard). [ Draft ] |
An Economic Approach to Regulating Algorithms (with Jon Kleinberg, Jens Ludwig and Sendhil Mullainathan). [ Draft ] |