14.123 Microeconomic Theory III (2018)
Lecture 1: Static Deterministic Choice and Revealed Preference
Lecture 2: Testing Revealed Preference Theory
Lecture 3: Lotteries with Money, Risky Aversion and Asset Allocation, Insurance Demand, Stochastic Dominance
Lecture 4: Risk Preference, Prospect Theory
Lecture 5: Testing Rank Dependence, Subjective Probability and Expected Utility, Eliciting Subjective Beliefs
Lecture 6: Calibration and Subjective Confidence Intervals, Ellsberg Paradox
Lecture 8: Separable Preferences cont., Finite and Infinite Horizon Consumption Streams, Dynamic Choice
Lecture 9: Risk and Time: Expected Discounted Utility and Generalizations
Lecture 10: The Value of Information (for an expected-utility maximizer)