Working Papers

"Randomization, Surprise, and Adversarial Forecasters," September 2024, Roberto Corrao, Drew Fudenberg, and David K. Levine.
"Philipp Strack, 2024 Clark Medalist," June 2024, Drew Fudenberg.
"Limited Memory, Learning, and Stochastic Choice," August 2024, Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani, and Philipp Strack.
"Endogenous Attention and the Spread of False News," August 2024, Tuval Danenberg and Drew Fudenberg.
"The Transfer Performance of Economic Models," July 2024, Isaiah Andrews, Drew Fudenberg, Lihua Lei, Annie Liang, and Chaofeng Wu.
"Evaluating and Extending Theories of Choice Under Risk," May 2023, Drew Fudenberg and Indira Puri.
"Adjusting to Change in Complex Systems," May 2023, Drew Fudenberg and David K. Levine
"Which Misspecifications Persist?" September 2022, Drew Fudenberg and Giacomo Lanzani
"Steady-State Equilibria in Anonymous Repeated Games, II: Coordination-Proof Strategies in the Prisoner’s Dilemma" August 2019, Daniel Clark, Drew Fudenberg, and Alexander Wolitzky.
"Steady-State Equilibria in Anonymous Repeated Games, I: Trigger Strategies in General Stage Games" August 2019, Daniel Clark, Drew Fudenberg, and Alexander Wolitzky.
"Self-Control, Social Preferences and the Effect of Delayed Payments," February 2016, Anna Dreber, Drew Fudenberg, David K. Levine, and David G. Rand.
"Predictive Game Theory," 2010, Drew Fudenberg.
"Stochastic Stability in Birth-Death Processes on Large Populations," 2008, Drew Fudenberg and Daniel Hojman.
"Balanced-Budget Mechanisms with Incomplete Information," 1995, Drew Fudenberg, David K. Levine, and Eric Maskin.
"Learning in Extensive-Form Games, II: Experimentation and Nash Equilibrium," 1994, Drew Fudenberg and David M. Kreps. Note: This file is very large because it is the scan of a 1994 working paper. 
"Evolution and Repeated Games," 1994, Drew Fudenberg and Eric Maskin.
"A Theory of Learning, Experimentation, and Equilibrium in Games," July 1988, Drew Fudenberg and David M. Kreps.