Age Set vs. Kin: Culture and Financial Ties in East Africa 
(with Awa Ambra Seck)
American Economic Review, Forthcoming. Publisher's Version, VoxDev Summary, Econimate Video Summary

Does Directed Innovation Mitigate Climate Damage? Evidence from US Agriculture
(with Karthik Sastry)
Quarterly Journal of Economics 138(2): 637-701. Editor's Choice. Publisher's Version.
Coverage: Harvard Gazette, Nature Climate Change

Segmentary Lineage Organization and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
(with Nathan Nunn and James A. Robinson)
Econometrica 88(5): 1999-2036. Publisher's Version, Supplementary Materials, Online Appendix, Theoretical Note, VoxDev Summary, VoxEU Summary

Keeping it in the Family: Lineage Organization and the Scope of Trust in Sub-Saharan Africa
(with Nathan Nunn and James A. Robinson)
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 107(5): 565-571. Publisher's Version.

State Capacity and American Technology: Evidence from the 19th Century
(with Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson)
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 106(5): 61-67. Publisher's Version, VoxEU Summary.
Coverage: Harvard Business Review



The Management of Aid and Conflict in Africa
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Conditionally Accepted

Inappropriate Technology: Evidence from Global Agriculture 
(with Karthik Sastry)
Revise and Resubmit requested, American Economic Review. VoxDev Summary, Econimate Video Summary
Coverage: Project Syndicate 

Environmental Catastrophe and the Direction of Invention: Evidence from the American Dust Bowl
Revise and Resubmit requested, Review of Economics and Statistics

Flowers of Invention: Patent Protection and Productivity Growth in US Agriculture 

Food Policy in a Warming World
(with Allan Hsiao and Karthik Sastry)
VoxDev Summary

Appropriate Entrepreneurship: The Rise of China and the Developing World
(with Josh Lerner, Junxi Liu, and David Yang)
VoxDev Summary, VoxEU Summary, VoxChina Summary

Agricultural Development and Structural Change, Within and Across Countries
VoxDev Summary

Specializing in Cities: Density and the Pattern of Trade
(with Antoine Levy)