“Introduction,” in Long-Term Care Around the World, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming. Also available as NBER Working Paper #31882, November 2023 (with Kathleen McGarry and Charles Hanzel).
“Long-term Care in the United States,” in Long-Term Care Around the World, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming. Also available NBER Working Paper #31881, November 2023 (with Kathleen McGarry).
“Job Benefits for Gig Workers: Sure, but How?,” Milken Institute Review, Q1: 2025, p. 46-57 (with Peter Passell).
“Dying or Lying? For-Profit Hospices and End of Life Care,” American Economic Review, 115(1), January 2025, p. 263-294. Also available as NBER Working Paper #31035, September 2024 (with David Howard, Jetson Leder-Luis, and Theodore Caputi).
“Private Sector Provision as an “Escape Valve”: The Mexico Diabetes Experiment,” Review of Economic Studies, 92(1), January 2025, p.129-161. Also available as NBER Working Paper #28913, June 2021 (with Ari Bronsoler and Enrique Seira).
“Innovative Insurance to Improve US Patient Access to Cell and Gene Therapy,” The Milbank Quarterly, January 2025 (with Rena Conti Patrick DeMartino, Andrew Lo, Yutong Sun, and Jackie Wu).
“EEA Presidential Address: The Past, Present and Future of Health Care Reform,” Eastern Economic Journal, August 2024.
“China’s Health Insurance Evolution: Unpacking the Monumental Role of the NCMS,” VoxChina, July 2024 (with Mengyun Lin and Junjian Yi).
“How Should We Provide Benefits to Gig Workers?” Brookings Institution White Paper, June 2024.
“Covid-19 Vaccines: Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Use Varied by Urban, Rural Counties,” Health Affairs, 43(5), May 2024 (with Katherine Wen, Vincent Mor, and others).
“The Estimated Financial Impact of Gene Therapy in the U.S.” Gene Therapy, November 2023. (also available as NBER Working Paper #28628, April 2021) (with Chi Heem Wong, Dexin Li, Nina Wang, Rena Conti and Andrew Lo).
“Public and Private Options in Practice: The Military Health System,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 15(4), November 2023, 37-74 (with Michael Frakes and Timothy Justicz).
“The Largest Insurance Expansion in History: Saving One Million Lives Per Year in China,” Journal of Public Economics, 226 October 2023. Also available as NBER Working Paper #31423, July 2023 (with Mengyun Lin and Junjian Yi).
“When Less is More: Improving Choices by Limiting Choices in Health Insurance Markets,” Review of Economic Studies, 90(3), May 2023, p. 1011-1040 (with Jason Abaluck).
"Saving Lives by Tying Hands: The Unexpected Effects of Constraining Health Care Providers,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(1), January 2023, p. 1-19 (with Thomas Hoe and George Stoye).
“Place-Based Productivity and Costs in Science,” Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 2, Benjamin Jones and Josh Lerner, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming (also available as NBER Working Paper #30416, September 2022) (with Enrico Moretti and Simon Johnson).
"Financing Health Care Delivery," Annual Review of Financial Economics, 14, November 2022, 209-229.
“Reducing Frictions in Healthcare Access: The ActionHealth NYC Experiment for Undocumented Immigrants,” American Economic Review: Insights. Also available as NBER Working Paper #29838, March 2022 (with Adrienne Sabety, Rishi Sood, and Jin Yung Bae).
“Behavioral Responses to Wealth Taxes: Evidence from Switzerland,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(4), November 2022, 111-150 (with Marius Brülhart, Matthias Krapf, and Kurt Schmidheiny).
“Relabeling, Retirement and Regret,” Journal of Public Economics, 211, July 2022, Article 104677 (with Ohto Kanninen and Terhi Ravaska).
"Staffing Patterns in US Nursing Homes During COVID-19 Outbreaks," JAMA Health Forum, 3(7), July 2022, Article e222151 (with Karen Shen, Brian McGarry, David Grabowski, and Ashvin Gandhi).
“Early Social Security Claiming and Old-Age Poverty: Evidence from the Introduction of the Social Security Early Eligibility Age,” Journal of Human Resources, 57(4), July 2022, 1079-1106 (with Gary Engelhardt).
“Should We Have Automatic Triggers for Unemployment Benefit Duration And How Costly Would They Be?,” AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112, May 2022, 112-116 (with Gabriel Chodorow-Reich and Peter Ganong).
“The Impact of Mental Health Support for the Chronically Ill on Hospital Utilisation: Evidence from the UK,” Social Science and Medicine, 294, February 2022, Article 114675 (with Grace Lordan, Stephen Pilling, Carol Propper, and Rob Saunders).
“Regulating Drug Prices While Increasing Innovation,” New England Journal of Medicine, 385, November 2021, 1921-1923 (with Rena Conti and Richard Frank).
“Do People Respond to the Mortgage Interest Deduction? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Denmark,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(2), May 2021, 273-303 (with Amalie Jensen and Henrik Kleven).
“Is Great Information Good Enough? Evidence from Physicians as Patients,” Journal of Health Economics, 75, January 2021, Article 102406 (with Michael Frakes and Anupam Jena)
“Do Income-Contingent Student Loan Programs Distort Earnings? Evidence from the UK,” Economics of Education Review, 79, December 2020 (with Jack Britton).
"Generic Drug Repurposing For Public Health and National Security: COVID-19 and Beyond," Health Affairs Blog, December 2020 (with Rena Conti, Susan Athey, and Richard Frank).
“The Effect of Increased Cost-Sharing on Low Value Service Use,” Health Economics, 29, September, 2020, p. 1180-1201 (with Katherine Maclean, Bill Wright, Eric Wilkinson, and Kevin Volpp).
“Paying for Medicaid – State Budgets and the Case for Expansion in the Time of Coronavirus,” New England Journal of Medicine, June 11, 2020, 382:2280-2282 (with Benjamin Sommers).
“Alan Krueger Mattered,” Business Economics, 55, 2020, 7-9.
“Provider Discretion and Variation in Resource Allocation: The Case of Triage Decisions,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 110, May 2020, 279-283 (with David Chan).
“Defensive Medicine and Obstetric Practices,” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 17(1), March 2020 (with Michael Frakes)
“Evaluating Measures of Hospital Quality: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(5), December 2019, 841-852 (with Joseph Doyle and John Graves).
“Health Economists in the Real World,” American Journal of Health Economics, 5(1), Winter 2019, 1-7.
“The Affordable Care Act’s Effect on Patients, Providers and the Economy: What We’ve Learned so Far,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 38(4), 2019, 1028-1052 (with Ben Sommers).
“Defensive Medicine: Evidence from Military Immunity,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11(3), August 2019, 197-231 (with Michael Frakes).
“The Long-Run Impacts of a Universal Child Care Program,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11(3), August 2019, 1-26 (with Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan).
“Prescription Drug Use Under Medicare Part D: A Linear Model of Nonlinear Budget Sets,” Journal of Public Economics, 164, August 2018, 106-138 (with Jason Abaluck and Ashley Swanson)
“The Consequences of Health Care Privatization: Evidence from Medicare Advantage Exits,” American Economic Journal: Policy, 10(1), February 2018, 153-186 (with Mark Duggan and Boris Vabson).
“Delivering Public Health Insurance through Private Plan Choice In the United States,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(4), Fall 2017, p.3-22.
“Uncovering Waste in US healthcare: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns,” Journal of Health Economics, 54, July 2017, p.25-39 (with Joseph Doyle and John Graves).
“Federal Funding Insulated State Budgets from Increased Spending Related to Medicaid Expansion,” Health Affairs, 36, April 2017, p. 1666 (with Ben Sommers)
“Early Impact of CareFirst’s Patient-Centered Medical Home with Strong Financial Incentives,” Health Affairs, 36(3), March 2017, p. 468-475 (with Christopher Afendulis, Laura Hatfield, Bruce Landon, Mary Beth Landrum, Robert Mechanic, Darren Zinner and Michael Chernew).
“Premium Subsidies, the Mandate and Medicaid Expansion: Coverage Effects of the Affordable Care Act,” Journal of Health Economics, 53, March 2017, p. 72-86 (with Molly Frean and Ben Sommers).
“It’s Good to be First: Order Bias in Reading and Citing NBER Working Papers,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(1), March 2017, p. 32-39 (with Dan Feenberg, Ina Ganguli, and Patrick Gaule).
“Claims-Shifting: The Problem of Parallel Reimbursement Regimes,” Journal of Health Economics, 51, January 2017, p.13-25 (with Olesya Fomenko).
“Choice Inconsistencies among the Elderly: Evidence from Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D Program: Reply,” American Economic Review, 106(12), December 2016, p. 3962-87 (with Jason Abaluck)
“Disentangling the ACA’s Coverage Effects: Lessons for Policymakers,” New England Journal of Medicine, 375: 1605-1608, October 27, 2016 (with Molly Frean and Benjamin Sommers).
“Expanding Financial Security for Workers in the New Economy,” Aspen Institute, August, 2016.
“Evolving Choice Inconsistencies in Choice of Prescription Drug Insurance,” American Economic Review, 106(8), August 2016, p. 2145-2184 (with Jason Abaluck).
“Does Church Attendance Cause People to Vote? Using Blue Laws’ Repeal to Estimate the Effect of Religiosity on Voter Turnout,” British Journal of Political Science, 46(3), July 2016, 481-500 (with Alan Gerber and Dan Hungerman).
“Controlling Health Care Costs Through Limited Network Insurance Plans: Evidence from Massachusetts State Employees,” American Journal of Economics: Economic Policy, 8(2), May 2016, p. 219-250 (with Robin McKnight).
“More Insurers Lower Premiums: Evidence from Initial Pricing in the Health Insurance Marketplace,” American Journal of Health Economics, 1(1), Winter 2015, 53-81 (with Leemore Dafny and Chris Ody).
“Accounting for ‘Lost Pleasure’ in a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Government Regulation: The Case of the Food and Drug Administration’s Proposed Cigarette Labeling Regulation,” Annals of Internal Medicine, 162(1), 2015, 64-65 (with Frank Chaloupka and Ken Warner).
“Measuring Returns to Hospital Care: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns,” Journal of Political Economy, 123(1), February 2015, 170-214 (with Joseph Doyle, John Graves and Samuel Kleiner).
“An Evaluation of the FDA’s Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of the Graphic Warning Label Regulation,” Tobacco Control, 2014; 0:1-8 (with Frank J Chaloupka, Kenneth E Warner, Daron Acemoğlu, Fritz Laux, Wendy Max, Joseph Newhouse, Thomas Schelling, and Jody Sindelar).
“Moral Hazard and Claims Deterrence in Private Disability Insurance,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(4), October 2014, p. 110-141 (with David Autor and Mark Duggan).
“The Impact of Patient Cost-Sharing on the Poor: Evidence from Massachusetts,” Journal of Health Economics, January 2014, 33, 57-66. (with Amitabh Chandra and Robin McKnight).
“Growth and Variability In Health Plan Premiums in the Individual Insurance Market Before the Affordable Care Act,” Commonwealth Fund report, 2014.
“The Great Equalizer: Health Care Access and Infant Mortality in Thailand,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(1), January 2014, p. 91-107. (with Nathan Hendren and Robert Townsend)
“A Tax-Based Estimate of the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution,” Quarterly Journal of Finance, 3(1), June 28, 2013.
“The Affordable Care Act’s Lower-Than-Projected Premiums Will Save $190 Billion,” Center for American Progress report (with Topher Spiro), 2013.
“The Oregon Experiment – Effect of Medicaid on Clinical Outcomes,” New England Journal of Medicine, 368: 1713-1722, May 2, 2013 (with Kate Baicker, Sarah Taubman, Heidi Allen, Mira Bernstein, Joseph Newhouse, Eric Schneider, Bill Write, Alan Zaslavski, Amy Finkelstein, and the Oregon Study Group).
“How did Health Care Reform in Massachusetts Impact Insurance Premiums?,” American Economic Review, 102(3), May 2012, p. 508-513 (with John Graves).
“The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from the First Year,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127 (3): 1057-1126, May 2012 (with Amy Finkelstein, Sarah Taubman, Bill Wright, Mira Bernstein, Joseph Newhouse, Heidi Allen, Kate Baicker and the Oregon Study Group).
“The Affordable Care Act is Constitutional,” Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(9), May 2012, p. 660-661 (with David Cutler).
“Do Strikes Kill? Evidence from New York State,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(1), February 2012, 127-157 (with Samuel Kleiner).
“Balancing Coverage Affordability and Continuity under a Basic Health Program Option,” New England Journal of Medicine, 365(24), December 15, 2011, p. e44.
“Massachusetts Points the Way to Successful Health Care Reform,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30(1), Winter 2011, p. 184-192.
“The Facts from Massachusetts Speak Clearly: Response to Douglas Holtz-Eakin,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30(1), Winter 2011, p. 194-194.
“Medicare Part D and the Financial Protection of the Elderly,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3(4), November 2011, p. 77-102 (with Gary Engelhardt).
“The Impacts of the Affordable Care Act: How Reasonable Are the Projections?,” National Tax Journal, 64, September 2011, 893-908.
“The Tax Exclusion for Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance,” National Tax Journal, 64, June 2011, p. 511-530.
“Choice Inconsistencies Among the Elderly: Evidence From Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D Program,” American Economic Review, 101(4), June 2011, p. 1180-1210 (with Jason Abaluck).
“Heterogeneity in Choice Inconsistencies Among the Elderly: Evidence from Prescription Drug Plan Choice,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 101(3), May 2011, 377-381.
“Realizing Health Reform’s Potential: Will the Affordable Care Act Make Health Insurance Affordable?,” Commonwealth Fund, Issue Brief, April 2011 (with Ian Perry).
“Health Care Reform Without the Individual Mandate: Replacing the Individual Mandate Would Significantly Erode Coverage Gains and Raise Premiums for Health Care Consumers,” issue paper from Center for American Progress, 2011.
“Be Careful What You Wish For: Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Would be Harmful to Society and Costly for Our Country,” issue paper from Center for American Progress, 2011.
“Projecting the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on California,” Health Affairs, 30, January 2011, p. 63-70 (with Peter Long).
“The Importance of the Individual Mandate – Evidence from Massachusetts,” New England Journal of Medicine, 364, January 27, 2011, 293-295 (with Amitabh Chandra and Robin McKnight).
“Fundamental Health Care Reform for the United States,” Significance, September 2010, p. 130-132.
“Buying Health Care, The Individual Mandate, and the Constitution,” New England Journal of Medicine, 363, p. 401-403, July 29, 2010 (with Sara Rosenbaum).
“The Cost Implications of Health Care Reform,” New England Journal of Medicine, 362, 250-251, June 3, 2010.
“How Sensitive are Low Income Families to Health Plan Prices?,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 100(2), May 2010, p. 292-296 (with David Chan).
“Patient Cost-Sharing in Low Income Populations,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 100(2), May 2010, p. 303-308 (with Amitabh Chandra and Robin McKnight).
“Introduction to Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: The Relationship to Youth Employment,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds., Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: The Relationship to Youth Employment, 2010, University of Chicago Press.
“Why We Need an Individual Mandate,” issue paper from Center for American Progress, 2010.
“Patient Cost-Sharing, Hospitalization Offsets, and the Design of Optimal Health Insurance for the Elderly,” American Economic Review, 100(1), March 2010, p. 193-213 (with Amitabh Chandra and Robin McKnight).
“Getting the Facts Straight on Health Care Reform,” New England Journal of Medicine, 361(26), December 24, 2009.
“The Case for a Two-Tier Health System,” Pathways, Winter 2009, 10-13.
“A Win-Win Approach to Financing Health Care Reform,” New England Journal of Medicine, 361(1), July 2, 2009, 4-5.
“Abortion and Selection,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(1), February 2009, 124-136 (with Liz Ananat, Phillip Levine, and Douglas Staiger).
“Universal Health Insurance Coverage or Economic Relief: A False Choice,” New England Journal of Medicine, 360(5), January 29, 2009, 437-439.
“Introduction: What Have We Learned About the Problems of and Prospects for Disadvantaged Youth?,” in Jonathan Gruber, ed., An Economic Perspective on the Problems of Disadvantaged Youth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
“Nursing Home Quality as a Public Good,” Review of Economics and Statistics, November 2008, 90(4), 754-764 (with Joe Angelleli and David Grabowski).
“Universal Childcare, Maternal Labor Supply, and Family Well-Being,” Journal of Political Economy, 116(4), 2008, p. 709-745 (with Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan).
“Incremental Universalism for the United States: The States Move First?,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(4), Fall 2008, 51-68.
“Covering the Uninsured in the United States,” Journal of Economic Literature, 46(3), September 2008, 571-606.
“Massachusetts Health Care Reform: The View from One Year Out,” Risk Management and Insurance Review, 11(1), Spring 2008, p. 51-63.
“Improving Opportunities and Incentives for Saving by Middle- and Low-Income Households,” in Jason Furman and Jason E. Bordoff, eds., Path to Prosperity: Hamilton Project Ideas on Income Security, Education and Taxes. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 2008. (with William G. Gale and Peter R. Orszag).
“The Church vs. The Mall: What Happens When Religion Faces Increased Secular Competition?,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123, May 2008, 831-862 (with Dan Hungerman).
“Crowd-Out Ten Years Later: Have Recent Expansions of Public Insurance Crowded Out Private Health Insurance?,” Journal of Health Economics, 27, March 2008, p. 201-217. (with Kosali Simon).
“How Much Uncompensated Care to Doctors Provide?,” Journal of Health Economics, 26, December 2007, p. 1151-1169 (with David Rodriguez).
“How Elastic is the Corporate Income Tax Base,” in Alan Auerbach, James Hines and Joel Slemrod, eds., Taxing Corporate Income in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, p. 140-163 (with Joshua Rauh).
“Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform, Introduction and Summary,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds. Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007, 1-42 (with David Wise).
“The Fiscal Implications of Social Security Reform in the U.S.,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds. Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007, 503-532 (with Courntey Coile).
“Simulating the Response to Reform of Canada’s Income Security Programs,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds. Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007, 83-118 (with Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan).
“Faith-Based Crowdout and Charity During the Great Depression,” Journal of Public Economics, 91, June 2007, p. 1043-1069 (with Dan Hungerman).
“Encouraging Homeownership Through the Tax Code,” Tax Notes, June 18, 2007, 1-19 (with William Gale and Seth Stephens-Davidowitz).
“Abortion Legalization and Lifecycle Fertility,” Journal of Human Resources, 42(2), Spring 2007, 375-397 (with Elizabeth Ananat and Phil Levine).
“Future Social Security Entitlements and the Retirement Decision,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 89(2), 2007, 234-246 (with Courtney Coile).
“Moral Hazard in Nursing Home Use,” Journal of Health Economics, 26, 2007, 560-577 (with David Grabowski).
“The Role of Consumer Copayments for Health Care: Lessons from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment and Beyond.” Report for the Kaiser Family Foundation, October 2006.
“The Massachusetts Health Care Revolution: A Local Start for Universal Coverage,” Hastings Center Report, 36(5), September-October 2006, 14-19.
“Social Security and the Evolution of Elderly Poverty,” in Alan Auerbach, David Card and John Quigley, eds., Public Policy and the Income Distribution. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2006, p. 259-287 (with Gary Engelhardt).
“Does Falling Smoking Lead to Rising Obesity?,” Journal of Health Economics, 25(2), March 2006, 183-197 (with Michael Frakes).
“Tax Policy for Health Insurance,” in James Poterba, ed., Tax Policy and the Economy 19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005, p. 39-63.
“The Middle Class Has a Higher Standard of Living Than Ever Before: Who Should Pay For It?,” Boston Review, Vol 30(5), September/October 2005, p. 13.
“Social Security and Elderly Living Arrangements: Evidence from the Social Security Notch,” Journal of Human Resources, 40(2), Spring 2005, 354-372 (with Gary Engelhardt and Cindy Perry).
“Religious Market Structure, Religious Participation and Outcomes: Is Religion Good for You?,” Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy Vol. 5: No. 1, Article 5 (2005). Available at
“Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier?,” Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy Vol. 5: No. 1, Article 4 (2005). Available at (with Sendhil Mullainathan).
“Subsidies to Employee Health Insurance Premiums and the Health Insurance Market,” Journal of Health Economics, 24(2), March 2005, 253-276. (with Ebonya Washington).
“Public Insurance and Child Hospitalizations: Access and Efficiency Effects," Journal of Public Economics, 89 (1), January 2005, 109-129 (with Leemore Dafny).
“Pay or Pray? The Impact of Charitable Subsidies on Religious Attendance,” Journal of Public Economics, 88 (12), December 2004, 2635-2655.
“Is Making Divorce Easier Bad for Children? The Long Run Implications of Unilateral Divorce,” Journal of Labor Economics, 22(4), October, 2004, 799-833.
“Tax Incidence When Individuals are Time Inconsistent: The Case of Cigarette Excise Taxes,” Journal of Public Economics, 88(9-10), August 2004, 1959-1988 (with Botond Koszegi).
“Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Micro Estimation - Introduction and Summary,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds., Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Micro Estimation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, p. 1-40.
“The Effect of Social Security on Retirement in the United States,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds., Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Micro Estimation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, p. 691-730 (with Courtney Coile)
“Income Security Programs and Retirement in Canada,” in Jonathan Gruber and David Wise, eds., Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Micro Estimation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, p. 99-154 (with Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan).
“Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Job Mobility: A Critical Review of the Literature,” in Catherine McLaughlin, ed., Health Policy and the Uninsured. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 2004, p. 97-178 (with Brigitte Madrian).
“How Elastic is the Firm’s Demand for Health Insurance?,” Journal of Public Economics, 88(7), July 2004, p. 1273-1294 (with Michael Lettau).
“Does the Social Security Earnings Test Affect Labor Supply and Benefits Receipt?,” National Tax Journal, 56(4), December 2003, 755-773 (with Peter Orszag).
“Why Did Employee Health Insurance Contributions Rise?,” Journal of Health Economics, 22(6), November 2003, 1085-1104 (with Robin McKnight).
“Estimating Price Elasticities When There is Smuggling: The Sensitivity of Smoking to Price in Canada,” Journal of Health Economics, 22(5), September 2003, 821-842 (with Anindya Sen and Mark Stabile).
“The Retirement Incentive Effects of Canada’s Income Security Programs,” Canadian Journal of Economics, 36(2), May 2003, 261-290 (with Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan).
“Medicaid,” in Robert Moffitt, ed., Means Tested Transfer Programs in the U.S. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003, pp. 15-77.
“Evaluating Alternative Approaches to Incremental Health Insurance Expansion: What is the Right Criterion?,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 93(2), May 2003, 271-276.
“Smoking’s ‘Internalities’,” Regulation, 25(4), Winter 2002-2003, 52-57.
“Delays in Claiming Social Security Benefits,” Journal of Public Economics, 84(3), June 2002, 357-386 (with Courtney Coile, Peter Diamond, and Alain Jousten)
“Regulating Tobacco in the United States: The Government and the Court Room,” World Economics, 3(3), July-September 2002, 27-53.
“Taxes and Health Insurance,” in James Poterba, ed., Tax Policy and the Economy 16, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002, p. 37-66.
“Health Policy in the Clinton Era: Once Bitten, Twice Shy,” in Jeffrey Frankel and Peter Orszag, eds, American Economic Policy During the 1990s. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, p. 825-874 (with David Cutler).
“An International Perspective on Policies for an Aging Society,” in Stuart Altman and David Schactman, eds., Policies for An Aging Society: Confronting the Economic and Political Challenges. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 2002, p. 34-62 (with David Wise).
“Different Approaches to Pension Reform from an Economic Point of View,” in Social Security Pension Reform in Europe, eds. Martin Feldstein and Horst Siebert. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002, p. 49-77 (with David Wise).
“The Elasticity of Taxable Income: Evidence and Implications,” Journal of Public Economics, 84(1), April 2002, 1-33 (with Emmanuel Saez).
“Insuring Consumption Against Illness,” American Economic Review, 92(1), March 2002, 51-70 (with Paul Gertler).
“The Economics of Tobacco Regulation,” Health Affairs, 21(2), March/April 2002, 146-162.
"The Impact of the Tax System on Health Insurance Coverage,” International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, vol 1 (3/4), 2002, 293-304.
“Is Addiction ‘Rational’? Theory and Evidence,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(4), November 2001, 1261-1303 (with Botond Koszegi).
“The Wealth of the Unemployed,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 55(1), October 2001, 79-94.
“Public Health Insurance and Medical Treatment: The Equalizing Impact of the Medicaid Expansions,” Journal of Public Economics, 82(1), October 2001,63-89 (with Janet Currie).
“The Economic Impacts of the Tobacco Settlement,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 21(1), 2001, 1-19 (with David Cutler, Raymond Hartman, Mary Beth Landrum, Joseph P. Newhouse, and Merideth Rosenthal).
“Unemployment Insurance and Precautionary Savings,” Journal of Monetary Economics, 47(3), June 2001, 545-579 (with Eric Engen).
“Social Security Incentives for Retirement,” in David Wise, ed., Themes in the Economics of Aging. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2001, p. 311-341 (with Courtney Coile).
“Tobacco at the Crossroads: The Past and Future of Smoking Regulation in the U.S.,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(2), Spring 2001, 193-212.
“Youth Smoking in the 1990s: Why Did it Rise and What are the Long Run Implications?,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 91(2), May 2001, p. 85-90.
“Covering the Uninsured: Incremental Policy Options for the U.S.,” in Huizhong Zhu, ed., The Political Economy of Health Care Reforms. Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute, 2001, p. 65-86.
“Risky Behavior Among Youth: An Economic Analysis, Introduction” in Jonathan Gruber, ed., Risky Behavior Among Youth: An Economic Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, p. 1-28.
“Youth Smoking in the U.S.: Evidence and Implications,” in Jonathan Gruber, ed., Risky Behavior Among Youth: An Economic Analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, p. 69-120 (with Jonathan Zinman).
“Social Security and Retirement Around the World” in Alan Auerbach and Ronald D Lee, eds., Demographic Change and Fiscal Policy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 159-190 (with David Wise).
“Disability Insurance Benefits and Labor Supply,” Journal of Political Economy, 108(6), December 2000, 1162-1183.
“Health Insurance and the Labor Market,” in Joseph Newhouse and Anthony Culyer, eds., The Handbook of Health Economics. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2000, p. 645-706.
“Payroll Taxation, Employer Mandates, and the Labor Market: Theory, Evidence, and Unanswered Questions,” in Employee Benefits and Labor Markets in Canada and the United States, William T. Alpert and Stephen A. Woodbury, editors. Kalamazoo, MI: Upjohn Institute, 2000, p. 223-228.
“Transitional Subsidies for Health Insurance Coverage,” from the Task Force on the Future of Health Insurance report series Strategies to Expand Health Insurance for Working Families, The Commonwealth Fund, October 2000.
“Microsimulation Estimates of the Effects of Tax Subsidies for Health Insurance,” National Tax Journal, 53(3), Part I, September 2000, 329-342.
“Does Unemployment Insurance Crowd Out Spousal Labor Supply?,” Journal of Labor Economics, 18(3), July 2000, 546-572 (with Julie Cullen).
“Cash Welfare as a Consumption Smoothing Mechanism for Single Mothers,” Journal of Public Economics, 75(2), February 2000, 157-182.
“Tax Subsidies for Health Insurance: Costs and Benefits,” Health Affairs, 19(1), January/February 2000, 72-85 (with Larry Levitt).
“Public Health Insurance and Private Savings,” Journal of Political Economy, 107(6), December 1999, 1249-1274 (with Aaron Yelowitz).
“Physician Fees and Procedure Intensity: The Case of Cesarean Delivery,” Journal of Health Economics, 18(4), August 1999, 473-490 (with John Kim and Dina Mayzlin).
“What to do About the Social Security Earnings Test?”. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, Issue in Brief #1. Boston, MA: 1999 (with Peter Orszag)
“Social Security and Retirement in the U.S.,” in Social Security and Retirement Around the World, J. Gruber and D. Wise, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999, 437-474 (with Peter Diamond).
“Social Security and Retirement in Canada,” in Social Security and Retirement Around the World, J. Gruber and D. Wise, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999, 73-100.
“Social Security and Retirement Around the World: Introduction and Summary,” in Social Security and Retirement Around the World, J. Gruber and D. Wise, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999, 1-36 (with David Wise).
“Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World,” Research in Labor Economics, 18, 1999, 1-40 (with David Wise).
“Abortion Legalization and Child Living Circumstances: Who is the “Marginal Child?,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1), February 1999, 263-292 (with Phillip Levine and Doug Staiger).
“Unemployment Insurance, Consumption Smoothing, and Private Insurance: Evidence from the PSID and CEX,” Research in Employment Policy, 1, 1998, 3-32
“Social Security and Retirement: An International Comparison,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 88(2), May 1998, 158-163 (with David Wise).
“Employment Separation and Health Insurance Coverage,” Journal of Public Economics, 66(3), December 1997, 349-382(with Brigitte Madrian).
“Physician Fee Policy and Medicaid Program Costs,” Journal of Human Resources, 32(4), Fall 1997, 611-634 (with Kathleen Adams and Joseph Newhouse).
“Policy Watch: Medicaid and Uninsured Women and Children,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(4), Fall 1997, 199-208.
“Can Families Smooth Variable Earnings?,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1997:1, 229-305 (with Susan Dynarski).
“Health Insurance for Poor Women and Children in the U.S.: Lessons from the Past Decade,” in Tax Policy and the Economy 11, James Poterba, ed., 1997. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 169-211.
“The Incidence of Payroll Taxation: Evidence from Chile,” Journal of Labor Economics, 15 (3, Part 2), July 1997, S72-S101.
“Disability Insurance Rejection Rates and the Labor Supply of Older Workers,” Journal of Public Economics, 64, 1997, 1-23 (with Jeffrey Kubik).
“The Consumption Smoothing Benefits of Unemployment Insurance.” American Economic Review, 87(1), March 1997, 192-205.
“Medicaid and Private Insurance: Evidence and Policy Implications,” Health Affairs, 16(1), January/February 1997, 194-200 (with David Cutler).
“Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Expansions of Medicaid Eligibility for Pregnant Women,” Journal of Political Economy, 104(6), December 1996, 1263-1296 (with Janet Currie).
“The Impact of Fundamental Tax Reform on Employer-Provided Health Insurance,” The Insurance Tax Review, 11(1), July 1996, 41-44 (with James Poterba).
“Fundamental Tax Reform and Employer-Provided Health Insurance,” in Economic Effects of Fundamental Tax Reform, Henry J. Aaron and William G. Gale, eds., 1996, 125-170 (with James Poterba).
“Health Insurance and Early Retirement: Evidence from the Availability of Continuation Coverage,” in Advances in the Economics of Aging, David Wise, ed., 1996, 115-143 (with Brigitte Madrian).
“Tax Subsidies to Employer-Provided Health Insurance,” in Empirical Foundations of Household Taxation, Martin Feldstein and James Poterba, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996, 135-164 (with James Poterba).
“The Effect of Expanding the Medicaid Program on Public Insurance, Private Insurance, and Redistribution,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 86(2), May 1996, 368-373 (with David Cutler).
“Health Insurance Eligibility, Utilization of Medical Care, and Child Health,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(2), May 1996, 431-466 (with Janet Currie)
“Does Public Insurance Crowd Out Private Insurance?,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(2), May 1996, 391-430 (with David Cutler).
“Physician Financial Incentives and the Diffusion of Cesarean Section Delivery,” RAND Journal of Economics, 27(1), Spring 1996, 99-123 (with Maria Owings).
“Health Insurance Availability and the Retirement Decision,” American Economic Review, 85(4), September 1995, 938-948 (with Brigitte Madrian).
“Physician Payments and Infant Mortality: Evidence From Medicaid Fee Policy,” American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 85(2), May 1995, 106-111 (with Janet Currie and Michael Fischer).
“A Major Risk Approach to Health Insurance Reform,” in Tax Policy and the Economy 9, James Poterba, ed., 1995. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 103-130 (with Martin Feldstein).
“Unemployment Insurance, Consumption Smoothing, and Private Insurance: Evidence from the PSID and CEX,” in Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation: Background Papers, Volume 1, 1995. Washington, DC: ACUC.
“The Labor Market Effects of Introducing National Health Insurance: Evidence from Canada,” Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, 13(2), April 1995, 163-174 (with Maria Hanratty).
“State Mandated Benefits and Employer Provided Insurance,” Journal of Public Economics, 55(3), November 1994, 433-464.
“Health Insurance and Job Mobility: The Effect of Public Policy on Job-Lock,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 48(1), October 1994, 86-102 (with Brigitte Madrian).
“Payroll Taxation in the United States: Assessing the Alternatives,” in Enterprise Economics and Tax Reform Working Papers Volume III, Robert Shapiro, ed. Washington, D.C.: Progressive Foundation, October 1994.
“The Elasticity of Demand for Health Insurance: Evidence from the Self-Employed,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(3), August 1994, 701-734 (with James Poterba).
“The Effect of Competitive Pressure on Charity: Hospital Responses to Price Shopping in California,” Journal of Health Economics, 13(2), July 1994, 183-212.
“The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits,” American Economic Review, 84(3), June 1994, 622-641.
“Taxation and the Structure of Labor Markets: The Case of Corporatism,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(2), May 1993, 385-412 (with Lawrence Summers and Rodrigo Vergara).
“The Incidence of Mandated Employer-Provided Insurance: Lessons from Workers' Compensation Insurance,” Tax Policy and the Economy 5, David Bradford, ed., 1991. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 111-143 (with Alan Krueger).