Publications & Papers

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Economic History

The American Business Elite in Historical Perspective

Peter Temin
October 1997
Labor Economics, Econometrics

The Effect of Teen Childbearing and Single Parenthood on Childhood Disabilities and Progress in School

Joshua Angrist, VIctor Lavy
October 1996

Fixed Costs: The Demise of Marginal q

Ricardo Caballero, John v. Leahy
March 1996
Labor Economics, Econometrics

Conditioning on the Probability of Selection to Control Selection Bias

Joshua D. Angrist
June 1995

Price Rigidities, Asymmetries, and Output Fluctuations

NBER Working Papers
Ricardo Caballero, Eduardo M.R.A. Engel
June 1992

Instrumental Variables Estimation of Nonparametric Models

Whitney K. Newey and James L. Powell
October 1989

Common Agency and Exclusive Dealing

Bengt Holmstrom and Paul Milgrom
April 1988

Two-Step Series Estimation of Sample Selection Models

Whitney K. Newey
April 1988

Towards An Understanding of the Real Effects and Costs of Inflation

NBER Working Paper 0303
Stanley Fischer, Franco Modigliani
November 1978

On Incentives and Control in Organization, Part 1

Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University
Bengt R. Holmström
December 1977

On Incentives and Control in Organization, Part 2

Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University
Bengt R. Holmström
December 1977

True and Pseudo-True Parameters

Isaiah Andrews, Harvey Barnhard, Jacob Carlson
International Economics

What Goods Do Countries Trade? A Structural Ricardian Model

Arnaud Costinot, I. Komunjer
Development Economics, Environmental Economics, International Economics

Can Transportation Networks Facilitate Adaptation to Environmental Extremes?

Dave Donaldson, Panle Jia Barwick, Shanjun Li, Yatang Lin, Deyu Rao